Page 185 of The Waiting Game

He’d been sort of a father figure to Jonah when he was a bit younger but he was surprised that he wasn’t more upset by him leaving. Maybe that talk with his grandma had done more than help his relationship with Felix.

Following locker cleanout, the team headed for a favorite local restaurant. It was kind of an annual tradition and Dustin always rented out their private patio space.

After they’d ordered appetizers and drinks, Dustin brought up the news that had been weighing on all of them.

“So, new coach next season,” he said. “That’s going to be interesting.”

Felix grimaced. “Ugh, please don’t tell me we’re gonna end up with some hardass old guy who’s been passed around the league half a dozen times.”

Jonah made a face at that thought. It definitely happened frequently. “Let’s hope not. Maybe it’ll be someone like Casey. He was a great AHL coach who made the step up to assistant coach and then got the position after that.”

“Maybe,” Jordan said doubtfully. “But who is there?”

They discussed various options as they ate their appetizers and sipped their drinks but as they picked at the remnants, waiting for their entrees to arrive, Jonah cleared his throat.

“So, I want to apologize to you guys,” he said.

Dustin shook his head. “Jonah, you don’t need to—”

“No, I do,” he insisted. “I fucked up. And sure, I had my reasons, but I should have gotten my shit together. And I’m sorry it fucking cost us all the win.”

“Fucking Buffalo,” Matty grumbled and they all laughed.

“Seriously,” Nico said. “I swear to God, that place is cursed.”

“And Dallas Sutton can jump off a fucking cliff,” Felix muttered.

Jonah pressed his knee to the side of Felix’s thigh, under the table. Felix shot him a small smile.

“So …” Matty said, eyeing them both speculatively. “I see the fake engagement is still going strong.”

Felix laughed. “It really was fake. At first.”

“Wait, what?” Eric Jensen said. “I thought you guys dated in college.”

The whole team laughed.

“It’s … complicated,” Jonah said with a sigh. “The truth is, uh, I’ve been a little in love with Felix since we were fifteen.”

Felix glanced over at him and smiled. “And for a really long time, I thought I was straight. But I worked through some stuff in rehab and started to suspect I had … feelings for Jonah.”

“So, that’s why you asked me those questions about the threesome I had with that dude,” Matty said loudly, just as a waitress stepped out onto the patio.

Her eyebrows rose to her hairline but she just started serving their meals. When she was gone, Matty facepalmed. “Fuck, I am going to have to talk to her after lunch. I really don’t need that shit to end up on JockGossip again.”

Felix grinned. “I dunno, worked for Jonah and me.”

Matty scoffed. “Yeah, worked for you guys, but I don’t have a best friend to fall in love with.”

“I’m wounded,” Dom said with a sniff.

Matty rolled his eyes, throwing a balled-up cocktail napkin at him. “Yeah, whatever, dude. You’re not my type.”

Dom mimed wiping his forehead dramatically. “Thank God. You’re not mine either.”

“Anyyyway,” Felix said. “The fake engagement was about Grandma’s Ji-min’s peace of mind and my public image and … well, kind of way for me to be sure that I was ready to offer Jonah the kind of relationship he deserves. I wanted that, I just … had to be sure I wasn’t going to fuck it all up.”

They exchanged smiles.