Page 18 of The Waiting Game

“Are you fucking shitting me?” Felix muttered as he glowered at his screen. “I wasn’t drunk, you assholes. I was completely sober. Which you would know if you did a single moment of research instead of just throwing around a bunch of bullshit.”

He laughed when he got to the end of the article though. He had to show this to Jonah so he could chuckle about it too.

Felix swiped his key card from the nightstand, then walked two doors down and pounded on Jonah’s door.

When there was no answer, he pounded again.

Colton Yates—in the room between them—stuck his head out. “What the fuck are you banging about, man?”

“Did Jo go out tonight?” Felix asked, frowning.

“No, he came back here with me,” Colton said with a frown. “Why? What’s up?”

“Just need to talk to him about—”

“What?” Jonah’s door flew open and he had that look on his face that told Felix he’d been half-asleep. “What do you want so urgently that you had to get me up at—”

“Ten p.m.?” Felix offered, amused.

Jonah scowled. “Shut up. I fell asleep watching that gardening show I’ve been into lately.”

“Yeah, who can blame you? It’s boring as hell.”

“Well, keep it down, both of you,” Colton grumbled. “I was trying to talk to my girl.”

Scowling, he shut his door.

Felix rolled his eyes. “Is it just me or is Yaterater the single most boring twenty-three-year-old you’ve ever met? He literally does nothing but FaceTime with Birdie and watch video of hockey games. He’s such a fucking nerd.”

“Hey!” Jonah protested. “Stop bitching about Colton. What is going on with you? Why are you pounding on my door?”

“Did you read this?” Felix brought up the JockGossip article and when he thrust his phone out, Jonah took it.

“Read what?”

“Well, you’d see it if you’d looked at the screen.”

Jonah gave him a mock-annoyed look but glanced down. He froze. “Wait, they think …”

“Yep,” Felix said, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. “The bloggers are convinced we’re madly in love.”

“Okay, but it’s JockGossip,” Jonah scoffed. “Who fucking cares what they think? They’re a trash gossip site just creating a bunch of clickbait articles.”

“Yeah, but this is the first positive piece of news they’ve had about me since my arrest,” Felix said, grinning.

Jonah shot him a skeptical look. “If you can call that positive.”

Felix shrugged. “Well, I’m kinda pissed at the insinuation I’ve been drinking. But I’d rather have them think I was dating you than some of the other shit they’ve come up with.”

“Ooh, high praise, man.”

“Fuck off,” Felix said with a laugh. “You know what I mean.”

“I thought you were gonna be mad or something.” Jonah looked up, heavy brows furrowing. “You really don’t mind them thinking you’re … bisexual or whatever?”

Felix blinked. “Why would that bother me?”

“Well, you’re not.”