Page 19 of The Waiting Game

“You’re the one who pointed out they’re hardly a reputable news source.”

“I know but …”

Felix faked a gasp, pressing his hand to his chest. “Oh no. They think I’m in love with my best friend. He’s a talented hockey player, good-looking …”

Jonah blinked at him. “You think I’m good-looking?”

Felix shrugged. “Well, for a dude, you’re not half-bad.”

“Oh, wow. That might be the nicest thing I’ve heard anyone say about me in a while.”

“What do you want me to say?” Felix teased, his voice rising to a falsetto. “Oh, Jonah, your hair is so thick and glossy black and you have flawless light golden-tan skin. You have the kind of jaw and chin every man envies, and your lips are so full women would pay to have them?”

Jonah grinned crookedly. “Yeah, keep going. I’m kind of enjoying this.”

Felix made a face. “Ha-ha. I think your ego has gotten enough stroking off tonight, thanks.”

“Too bad it’s just my ego,” Jonah threw back. “Are you coming in or what?”

Felix raised an eyebrow. “Dude, I said that I don’t mind people thinking we’re in love. Not that I wanted to get into your pants.”

“Well, a guy can dream.” Jonah turned away, the door beginning to close behind him.

Snorting, Felix stopped it with his hand and stepped inside the room. He threw himself on the mess of sheets on Jonah’s bed. “Hey, you want to watch something?”

“I was watching something!” Jonah protested. “Or I was trying to before I fell asleep.”

“Well, you’re awake now. We should watch something fun.”

“Are you done rambling about JockGossip then?”

“Ehh. For now.”

“Then have your fucking phone back.” Jonah tossed it and it hit Felix’s elbow.

A sharp pain traveled up his arm and he rubbed at the spot, frowning. “Oww. What are you trying to do, maim me?”

“Oh come on, I’ve seen you take hits from a Mack truck like Luke Crawford and shrug it off.”

Felix sniffed, reaching for the remote. “I’m getting delicate in my old age.”

“Old age? You’re not even thirty yet.”

“Will be soon. Ugh.” He scrubbed a hand across his face.

Jonah frowned at him. “Don’t tell me it actually bothers you.”

Felix shrugged, staring at the TV as he flipped through channels. “More than it probably should but …”

“Bud …”

“Don’t ‘bud’ me. I know it’s dumb. I just always thought I’d be married with kids by now, you know? Macky is only twenty-six and he and Elena already have like five.”

“Okay, but our horny tendie isn’t exactly the guy you should be comparing yourself to.”

“Yeah? Who then?”

“No one!” Jonah grabbed the remote. “And give me that. We’re not watching that stupid survivalist show.”