“Oh.” Dustin’s expression fell. “Uhh, what?”
“It was my idea,” Felix said as he adjusted the ball cap he wore. He’d been too lazy to style his hair this morning and what was the point when it was just going to get sweaty and gross during practice anyway? “Look, this year has been tough for me.”
He went on to explain their reasoning behind the fake engagement and Dustin nodded along but there was still a puzzled expression on his face when they finished.
“Guys …” Dustin scratched his head. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes,” they said in unison.
“I mean I get the reasoning behind it and you know I support you both but, uh, are you sure there aren’t any actual feelings here?”
“Look, we care deeply about each other,” Jonah said. “Obviously. But this is about my grandmother’s peace of mind and Felix’s image. And giving him some additional support during his recovery.”
“Right.” Dustin cleared his throat. “I just—”
“It won’t impact the team,” Felix promised. “We’ll get through Grandma Ji-min’s health stuff, get through the end of the season, however long that is, and quietly break it off. By the time the next season starts, it’ll be old news.”
“Well, good. I appreciate that you’ve considered all those things. I just have concerns about the overall plan.”
“If it’s about my sobriety, my sponsor is on board with it.”
Dustin nodded. “That’s good.”
“Look, we’ve already told Grandma Ji-min so we’re committed to doing this,” Jonah said earnestly. “We’re not asking for your permission. Just wanted to give you a heads-up and ask for your advice about who we should tell the truth to and who we should just let think it’s real.”
“Okay.” Dustin frowned. “Well, I’d strongly suggest looping in your agents on this before you go public. And you’re going to have to talk to Kate too. She’ll need to let the organization know about the relationship.”
They both winced.
Dustin chuckled. “Dude, I know. Scary prospect. But it really will make this easier to navigate.”
“No, I know you’re right.” Felix reached up to scratch his chin. “I’ve just had a few too many meetings with her where she gives me the ‘I’m disappointed in you’ face.”
“Well, I don’t think she’ll be disappointed in you for this,” Dustin said. “Just concerned.”
“Even her concern is scary,” Felix muttered.
Dustin let out a little cough that sounded like a smothered laugh. “You’re not wrong.”
“But we’ll talk to her,” Jonah said. “Right, Felix?”
“Right.” He looked his captain square in the eye. “Now, how do you want us to tell the team? We want them to know it’s fake too.”
“Well, why don’t you come over to my place for lunch after practice?” Dustin said. “We can discuss it there.”
“I’m not sure we’re telling everyone though,” Jonah said and Felix looked over at him.
“Right. Just the core. Dom, Matty, Nico, Colton, Jordan, that crew.”
“Got it. I’ll text the relevant guys and let them know we’re having a private lunch meeting.”
“Thanks.” Felix cleared his throat. “Is Charlie going to be there?”
“No. He’ll be at work, why?”
“Uhh, I mean, you can’t cook.” Felix eyed him skeptically.
“I’m getting better!” Dustin protested. “And I can fucking order from the market, okay?”