Page 88 of The Waiting Game

“Sure,” Felix said dubiously as he turned away.

“Oh fuck off,” Dustin said, though his face was bright with amusement. “Do you want me to organize this or not?”

“That would be helpful,” Jonah said. “Thanks.”

“If it’s bad, we can always pick up something on the way home,” Felix muttered as he reached for the door handle.

“I heard that!” Dustin called.

Laughing, they left the video room.

“You seem lighter today,” Jonah said as they walked toward the locker room to change for practice. “Happier.”

“I feel good,” Felix said as he took stock of himself, surprised to realize how true it was. “I don’t know. I guess this engagement has taken a weight off my mind somehow.”

Jonah’s expression softened and he reached out to squeeze Felix’s hand. “Good. I’m glad.”

“Yeah, okay,” Matty said with a scoff as he leaned back in his patio chair following lunch. “Fake engagement my ass.”

“It’s true!” Jonah protested.

“And that’s why Felix is wearing your grandfather’s ring?” Matty shot them a doubtful glance.

“Yes! To make it look real.”

Matty rolled his eyes. “It sure does, bud.”

Jonah scrubbed his hands across his face. “Does anyone believe us?”

“I mean, if you say that’s what’s happening, we believe you,” Dominic said slowly.

“Matty clearly doesn’t!”

“I’m just saying it’s weird! Who the fuck pretends to be engaged when they’re not?”

“Well, it does make sense,” Nico said. “I mean, in their situation …”

“Thank you,” Jonah said.

“It’s not like either of them could get someone to date them for real,” Nico said with a sly grin as he took a sip of his lemonade.

“I hate you all,” Jonah muttered. “Every last one of you.”

“What did I do?” Colton asked. “I’ve just been sitting here listening to you two tell crazy stories.”

“It just seems a little fishy to me,” Jordan said with a frown. “Like, wasn’t there an easier way?”

“Yeah. Couldn’t you just date or something?” Colton asked. “Why the engagement?”

Felix raised his eyebrows. “Because of Grandma Ji-min. That part made her happy. And besides, why the fuck would we need to date if we’ve already been friends for a million years? Do you think Murphy and Hartinger went out on dates and shit?”

“Well no,” Dustin said. “But that was because they were keeping it a secret from everyone.”

“Which is the opposite of what we’re doing,” Jonah said.

Wait, did that mean they needed to go on dates? Shit. He hadn’t thought about that.

“Aren’t you kind of missing out though?” Colton asked. “Like, dates are fun. I love taking Birdie out.”