“Of course. And I’ll shut off the fire pit and lock up.”
“Thanks! See you at the hospital in a bit!” Jonah called over his shoulder as he hustled to catch up with the paramedics, not wanting to cause any delays.
It was only as he slipped into the ambulance and took his grandmother’s hand that he realized that the paramedic had called Felix his partner.
It was possible she was a hockey fan and knew they were D-partners on the ice. But even here in Toronto, it seemed more likely that she’d seen their interactions and thought they were in a relationship.
Or maybe she was a JockGossip reader. It seemed like everyone was getting the wrong impression about them lately.
Jonah shook his head, surprised Felix hadn’t corrected them.
He must have been too rattled for it to register. Jonah certainly had been.
Though, Jonah had to admit, it had felt so nice to have that person to lean on, that strong, capable support behind him when he was filled with fear and uncertainty.
It didn’t take Felix long to put away the cake, turn off the gas on the fire pit, and clear the table. He left the dishes on the counter to deal with later and locked up the house. Desperate to be with Grandma Ji-min and Jonah, he paced in the driveway, waiting for the rideshare to arrive.
Felix tapped his foot on the drive to the hospital, mentally urging the SUV to move faster.
When he arrived, Jonah was in the main emergency room waiting area, looking frazzled.
“Thank God,” Jonah said as Felix pulled him into a hug.
“Hey, what is it?” Felix pulled back and frowned at Jonah’s worried face. “Did something happen on the way here?”
“No, no,” Jonah shook his head. “She’s stable and they took her right in for testing. I just … I can’t …”
Lose her, Felix finished silently. Oh, Jonah. You’ve already lost so much.
“Hey, I know.” Felix pulled Jonah close, grazing his lips across his temple. “She’s tough though. She’s gonna be okay.”
“Thanks. I needed to hear that.” Jonah sighed heavily, his body softening a little before he drew back. “Let’s go to the other waiting area. I just wanted to stay out here until you arrived.”
“Yeah, thanks for waiting.”
Felix followed Jonah through a small maze of hallways and into a more private space with only a few people inside.
They glanced up but quickly returned their gazes to their phones, either not recognizing them or not caring. Too wrapped up in worry for their own loved ones.
For a while, Felix and Jonah sat in silence. Jonah’s knee brushed Felix’s as he fidgeted in his seat. Felix placed his hand on it to stop the restless movement and Jonah stilled.
“I’m sorry about your birthday,” Jonah muttered a while later, shifting in his seat. Felix lifted his hand away.
Jonah rested his forearms on his thighs, his biceps popping under the black polo he wore.
Felix shook his head, squinting as he tried to piece together what Jonah had said. “What?”
“I’m sorry about your birthday. I know you weren’t really looking forward to it to begin with and …”
“Fuck my birthday.” Felix sighed. “I just want Grandma Ji-min to be okay.”
“Me too.” Jonah dropped his head, staring down at his hands.
Felix reached out to squeeze his shoulder, relieved when Jonah’s tense muscles loosened.
“It’s probably just a little bump on the head,” he assured Jonah.