Page 98 of A Surprise For Sage

“Nope,” Daisy said. “Just took them out of the oven and wrapped them up to keep them warm. Heather is right behind us. She got stuck at the light a block over.”

For almost five hours Knox watched all the coworkers hanging out and talking. Hardly ever about work, but more about their lives.

The two newest fit in well, but Aster didn’t talk all that much. Trace and Aster talked a bit about the service but not a lot.

He could say he had no problem fitting in with this group. Though Theo was a doctor and probably twenty times smarter than he’d ever be, the guy was down to earth and pretty hilarious.

He’d never had this in his life. Not a group he could hang out with and enjoy himself.

And not worry that he didn’t fit in. That he was being talked about or laughed at.

None of that happened.

They accepted him into the fold as easily as they did the two new employees.

There was something special about this place and he had to admit he was glad his father had made the first move and asked him to move to Connecticut and give him a start.

That was fate working in a way.

One thing led to another and then here to Sage and this group.

When it was getting close to midnight, Sage moved over and sat on his lap.

“Got to get my kiss in when the ball drops.”

Knox leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Would it surprise you to know this is the first New Year’s Eve kiss I’ve gotten?”

He felt like a loser admitting that, but she only kissed him on the cheek and said, “Here is to many more then.”



“Sage,” Poppy said at the end of the week. “I’ve got a call with Mateo at ten.”

“Woohoo,” Sage said. Poppy was doing a little dance in the open doorway.

“Lily is going to be on the call with me too, but we’d like you there.”

“Me?” she asked. “Why?”

“Because in a roundabout way we got this contact because of you. Plus, he might have questions about collaborations with our products and exposure. I have to admit I’ve never seen his line of clothing before you told me about this. It’s a higher end but not completely out of reach for the middle class. It appears more is sold on the West Coast or maybe in New York City.”

“I know,” she said. “There are a lot of brands that you can’t get just anywhere unless you order online. But I’d love to sit in on the call.”

She looked at her watch and noticed it was nine thirty.

“I would have loved for Kate to be on this call too, but she’s done enough and I know she’s busy,” Poppy said. “I’ve completed enough deals in my life that I shouldn’t be nervous about this, but I am.”

“If you’re not nervous then it’s not important. You don’t want to feel as if it’s second nature and the thrill is gone, do you?”

“God, no,” Poppy said. “And you’re right. But this is so huge. I know it’s not like it’s a done deal. I could make twenty things and he might not use one of them.”

“That’s true,” she said. “I hope that doesn’t happen. I’d like to think that you will work well together and give him what he wants.”

“Me too,” Poppy said. “His next runway is around when I’m due. So it’d have to be one of those things taken care of beforehand. I just don’t want to be the one to blow this because of the timing.”

“Then it’s not meant,” she said. “And there will be another. Don’t carry that on your shoulders.”