Page 99 of A Surprise For Sage

“That is what Lily said too. Why don’t you come to the conference room with us? We’ll be on a video call using the TV.”

Sage grabbed her iPad that she carried around with her to take notes and went to the conference room with Poppy. Lily was sitting in there typing on her laptop and stopped.

“Poppy is getting worked up,” Lily said. “I told her to relax. It’s not good for the baby.”

“I just said the same thing. If we get one designer to be interested, we can get another. It’s right or it’s not, but it won’t be on her shoulders either way.”

“Exactly,” Lily said. “I spoke with Kate earlier this morning and she said Mateo is very nice and friendly. He’s easy to work with and she is positive it’s going to be a great joint venture.”

Sage wished Kate had told her that, but the truth was, it’s not like she had to be privy to everything that was going on in the business while this project was in its infancy.

“That all sounds promising,” she said. “I know that some designers are very hard to deal with. Not that I did much, but I’d heard. Kate is so well liked. She has a way about her.”

“I’ve seen it,” Poppy said. “She’s so down to earth, but if she needs to be prim and proper she is too.”

“I think what made Kate such a great model was she is a chameleon. She can be who she needs to be each time it’s called for. She blends in perfectly. But if she’s saying he’s nice and friendly, then she is herself around him.”

“How so?” Poppy asked. “Fill us in on what you know.”

“I don’t know much about Mateo. He’s a newer client for Kate. Newer to the States, but he has a daughter who modeled when Kate did. That is how Mateo and Kate connected. Mateo’s daughter is a little younger than Kate and Kate kind of took her in like a little sister.”

“That’s good to know,” Lily said.

“It’s a hard industry. If Kate took that much of a liking to someone, then that means she saw some of herself in them as people. That she felt she could be herself around them.”

“I wish she was on this call,” Poppy said again.

“She couldn’t be,” Lily said. “And we’ll be fine.”

“You’ll be great,” Sage said.

They chatted a few more minutes, and before she knew it, Mateo was on the TV screen in front of them and they all introduced themselves.

“Ahh,” Mateo said, his accent thick. “Sage. Kate’s little sister.”

She smiled. “That would be me. No blood relation, but close enough.”

“Close enough normally counts more than blood relations in my eyes,” Mateo said. “Before we get any further, would Poppy be willing to fly to Rome to see some of my designs in person? The materials I’m using? I’m heavy into florals and was hoping we could get some accessories to go with specific fabrics. I’ve been studying your products and designs and noticed that you do jewelry also?”

“We do,” Lily said. “I can grab my sister Rose to join us if you’d like.”

“If she’s available, it’d be great,” Mateo said.

“I’ll do it,” Sage said and got up to walk out of the room, all but running as fast as she could down the stairs and into the back of the building where Rose worked.

“What’s the rush?” Daisy said. “Is the building on fire?”

“Rose,” she said. “Where is she? They want her on the call right now.”

“I’m right here,” Rose said. “I had to go to the bathroom. Who wants me on the call?”

“Mateo asked for you. He said he noticed we do jewelry also.”

“Oh man,” Daisy said. “This is exciting.”

“We’ll see,” Rose said and followed her up. “I’m not holding my breath.”

“Don’t you want this to happen?” she asked.