A guard waited to escort us to a meeting room. For being in a warehouse, the room we were taken to was much nicer than I expected. The table was expertly polished wood without a scuff on it. The chairs were black leather, and the room had no windows. Paintings adorned the walls, and not the cheap shit that could be bought anywhere. I recognized some of the artists. These cost a pretty penny. Or they were stolen. Either way, it wasn’t my business.
“Mr. Altair,” a man with white hair and matching scruff greeted with his hand extended. Connor was only forty-three so either his hair changed that color early, or he dyed it for the shock factor. I’d seen enough shit in my day. White hair was nothing. Maybe he thought he’d get respect with it. I paid more attention to his suit than his hair. The cut fit him well and there was something about the lines that looked familiar.
“Where did you get your suit?” It wasn’t a greeting, per se. At least I didn’t hurt him.
“This? I had it made for me a while back. The designer wasn’t able to finish my last one. I asked for a full refund with interest. I had waited far too long. Hartley Weathers, do you know him? I wouldn’t recommend him. Too slow.”
There was my hair trigger rearing its ugly head. My hand shot out, but instead of gripping his throat, I fisted his lapel. “The only time his name should be on your lips is if you’re praising him for his excellent work. If it’s anything else, don’t speak of him.”
His men moved to flank him, as did mine to me. I saw Sheldon shake his head at the guards so they wouldn’t move. “All I did was complain about the suit. What, are you fucking him?”
“Okay,” Sheldon cut in with his calm voice before I murdered Connor. He pried my fingers off Connor. “Some ground rules. There’s no mention of Mr. Weathers or who Mr. Altair may or may not be fucking. You two are going to sit at opposite sides of the table and hash out this deal, then move on with your lives.” He wedged himself between us, so we did as he said. If Sheldon wasn’t here, I probably would have taken my knife or gun out. Raiden would have helped. I could feel the anger pouring off him.
Connor straightened his jacket and sat. I did the same. “My apologies,” he stated. “I wasn’t aware Mr. Weathers provided your suits as well. I won’t sully his name again. Now, let’s get down to business.”
I laid out what I had to offer him and for what price. I was tempted to raise it due to him being an asshole, but I let it be. Connor looked over the proposal a bit too long. This wasn’t new territory for me. When someone hesitated to close a deal, they had tells. They’d rub their chin or lean back in their seat. There were many of them. Connor had taken to tapping his pen on the table. If he kept it up, I was going to jab him in the fucking eye with it.
“I’ve had a similar offer, but for less than what you’re asking. Why should I buy from you and not them?”
“Who gave you the offer?”
“I’m not privy to say.”
I cocked an eyebrow. “Need I remind you that guns aren’t the only goods you buy from me? If you want guns, you buy mine or every other deal we have is gone.” I didn’t need him. In fact, I didn’t need anyone. I had more money than I would ever require. The people in my organization would be paid for life and I’d still have plenty to spare.
“I had a feeling you’d say that, which is why I prefer to stay with you. However, the other price is significantly lower. There has to be a way we can meet in the middle.” He told me what the other seller wanted.
“If I drop my offer, it won’t be to that level. And I’d expect you to give me the name of the supplier. No one cuts in on my business without paying a price.” I already had an idea who it was. He said he wouldn’t try to take my business, yet here he was, attempting to undercut me.
“Name your price.”
I did, and he accepted. Leeland’s name then fell from his lips. I snapped my fingers and Raiden immediately pressed his phone to his ear. He’d call Kayli to find Leeland and deliver him to me. But not yet. I liked to make them sweat.
“You have to give Leeland an answer, yes?” I asked.
“I do.”
“When you decline his offer, I’d like you to tell him who you went with. He’s about to learn a painful lesson.”
“Will do.”
“For your cooperation and the vow you made not to speak poorly of Mr. Weathers, I will sweeten the deal and add a little extra to your order.”
A smile tipped his lips upward as he stood. “Mr. Altair, it’s always a pleasure doing business with you.”
I stood and shook his hand. “You as well. Your shipment will be on time, as usual.”
“I don’t doubt it. I’ll deliver the message of who I chose.”
Nodding, I bid him goodbye and headed out into the bright sunlight.
“How long?” Raiden asked, the phone still to his ear.
“Three days.” Any longer and Leeland would do something stupid. This gave him time to worry himself into a knot. He knew he couldn’t run from me. “I want a man on him at all times.”
I would have put someone on Hartley had there not already been one there. Connor would sign his life away if he stepped wrong toward Hartley. He wasn’t foolish enough to do so.
The drive back to my building was in silence. Albert didn’t offer ways for me to work out my aggression. Threatening Connor was enough to hold me over until I got my hands on Leeland. Once I got through with him, I was taking his entire inventory, and he wouldn’t walk away. I gave him a chance to do the right thing. There would be no second warning.