“Had I apologized, would you have stayed?”
“For another day, yes. Maybe this was for the best.” I didn’t want to have my heart broken. It was a risk I’d take with Jordan.
“I’ll do better.” That was probably the first time Jordan had ever uttered those words to another person.
“Then I’ll be here the next time you call or stop by.”
He nodded, hesitated like he wanted to say more, then petted Tahoe on the head before leaving. I watched his back as he went, the tense way he held his shoulders, wondering what the fuck I was doing, but unable to change my mind about him.
It was my fault, as usual. I chased Vail away after confessing I wanted him, then climbing on top of Hartley. I lost all fucking sense and locked myself away. I couldn’t get a grip on my emotions. And then Vail left. I had to stay with him as long as I could. The last time I’d driven myself anywhere was years ago. Albert was livid when I returned, saying he couldn’t do his job when I took off. The thing was, I didn’t want Albert to drive Vail. I needed to do it.
“If you continue growling, sir, I’m going to take you to the zoo,” Albert stated from the front seat.
“If you take me there, you won’t leave,” I threatened. Albert had been with me long enough to know when I was in a mood, which I was.
After I returned from dropping off Vail, Hartley said he was leaving as well. He thought it was a good idea since Vail had gone. At least Vail had a warm home with an alarm system. Hartley’s looked one strong gust of wind away from the windows falling in. They wouldn’t. Apparently, I exaggerated when it came to them.
“Fuck’s sake,” I grumbled.
“Why don’t you kill someone when you get to the meeting? That always makes you feel better. If not, at least make someone bleed.” How Albert said it with a straight face and calm tone was anyone’s guess.
“I’m supposed to negotiate the next major run with him. There’s no reason for me to kill him.”
“There’s always a reason.” And that was why I kept him around. Not only would he fight for me, but he understood me.
“Maybe he has a guard who will look at me wrong.”
“Just get to them before Raiden does. He’s been in a fucking mood.”
Ever since Alton came by to check Hartley before he left, Raiden was on a warpath. He even chewed out his brother. Usually, they said a few words, and that was it. I was certain they talked more when I wasn’t around, but in front of me it was minimal.
“Do you think he has feelings for Alton?” I asked.
“Didn’t Dr. Keeley put him back together the last time a bullet tore through his side?”
“He did. He even stayed with him overnight.”
Albert hummed. It made sense. But what happened between them yesterday to put him in such a shitty mood? Maybe it was that he wouldn’t see Alton again for a while, or maybe Alton said something Raiden didn’t like.
I pulled up Raiden’s contact information on my phone and shot him a text.
Me: I don’t know what your issue is but leave it in the car. I can’t have you fucking anything up.
There was still a chance I would do something, but that was on me. If Raiden fucked up, it was on me too.
Raiden: Yes, sir.
Sheldon was probably trying to calm him down. He was driving the car behind us, where Raiden was.
We pulled up to the warehouse, well outside of the city, in a smaller business district. The parking lot was half full and workers milled about on their lunch hour. They didn’t give us a passing glance. It made me wonder how many people in Maseratis drove to their place of work.
Albert parked in the back, and the two vehicles of muscle with us flanked mine. Albert and two guards would stay here while Raiden and Sheldon came inside with me. This was nothing more than working out a new deal. There shouldn’t be bloodshed, as much as I hoped I had a reason to slit Connor’s throat. I shouldn’t. He was a buyer who I made money from. The urge to make someone bleed was strong though. I had to work Vail and Hartley out of my system. Since I had no interest in fucking anyone but them, that meant someone needed to bleed by my hand. Working out didn’t help. Neither did trying to sleep.
“Easy,” Sheldon whispered from my left. If Raiden would have said it, I would have punched him. Sheldon was very in tune with my moods and knew if I went inside like this, I wouldn’t get the deal.