Raiden and Sheldon followed me into the elevator of my building. It let Sheldon out on the eighth floor before continuing to my home. Raiden took up his post while I froze in the living room, Tahoe’s bed a stark reminder of who was no longer here.
I wanted Vail and Hartley in my home every day and every night. I wanted their laughter and their company. The way they lifted the mood just by being here.
Vail heard me when I said I’d do better. He told me he’d be there the next time I came by. How long did I have to wait until I could see him again? What was the protocol here?
I had a sudden urge to see Vail.
Me: Is Vail working right now?
I didn’t know what the shifts were at Untouchable. Instead of asking Vail directly, I went to Dexen.
Dexen: Ask him yourself if you’re curious.
Anyone else, I would have severed a muscle in their leg.
Me: I’ll be visiting your club tonight.
The phone rang immediately. Dexen’s name was on the screen.
“Yes?” I answered.
“You’re not coming here.”
“Why not? You’re living with my son. I should have been to your club before, yet I haven’t.”
“Fuck no. You’re going to freak out the members and the staff.”
“Fine, then tell me if Vail’s working and I’ll wait for him outside until he’s done with his shift.”
“He’s finished at three.” In the morning. I didn’t require clarification.
“I’ll be there.”
“Don’t make me regret this.”
I hung up. Vail was on the agenda tonight. I needed him in front of me again. Once I had him pliant beneath me, in my snare, I’d go after Hartley.
They were mine and I didn’t want them anywhere else than with me.
It wasn’t right. It wasn’t smart. But I had zero fucks left to give.
Dana had two sick kids at home and a sick wife, my sister. I hoped I wasn’t the one who gave him the flu before I even realized I got it from Jordan. Dana said he could have picked it up anywhere in the club. It was winter. That was bound to happen. I still felt awful.
Tonight, I covered for him at the club, cooking dinner and upscale appetizers for the members. Being a Tuesday night, the crowd was lighter than Fridays or Saturdays. I was still dragging when I exited the building into the secure employee parking lot. Being on my feet for hours on end wasn’t fun, but I loved cooking for people.
As I rounded the side of my truck, I drew up short. There was Jordan, leaning against it. One of his legs was bent with his expensive loafer resting on the tire. His arms were crossed over a dark wool coat. I knew there was a suit under there. The man wore nothing else. If I saw him in a pair of sweats, I’d probably fall over. And his eyes, well, they were on me, watching every move I made.
I couldn’t resist walking toward him. No matter how much I warred with myself about whether I should want to be with him, the truth was I did. Good or bad, Jordan was who I wanted. He was dark, sinful, and kissed like he was born to do it.
Then there was Hartley, who I couldn’t forget. He was the complete opposite. Sweet, caring, and gentle. They were night and day, yet I wanted to be between them, with their hands roving my body as they took me apart in the best possible way.
“Jordan,” I said in greeting when I drew close.
His arms uncrossed, and his hand lifted to brush over my scruff. “You should be in bed, not working.”