I stumble over a tree root and glance around. The moon has broken through the treetops here, and I can see a path leading down to the right from where I am.
Yes, see, I can conquer anything. I listen carefully and don’t hear anything aside from what I assume are the usual forest sounds.
I hurry down the path, still tripping now and then, but then kick my toe on a rock. I want to cry out, but I bite my lip. No matter how much it hurts, I can’t give away my position.
I limp down the path, trying to pick my way carefully until I can see through the darkness to the moonlit road below. I almost whoop for joy until I pause.
Something is moving up ahead on the road, blocking the path. It’s small and scruffy-looking. Another tubby, scruffy-looking thing joins it. They move into the moonlight, and I can clearly see the two little bear cubs playing happily.
Now, I’m no idiot. I don’t do the outdoors, but I’ve read books, watched National Geographic, and know what protective mama bears do when someone is near their babies.
I need to move quickly. Shit, I’m going to get mauled. I take a step toward the right to run down the road, but my foot stands on a branch, and it cracks.
That’s when I hear it: the low growl. It’s coming from somewhere close. I turn to run in the opposite direction, but suddenly, a hand covers my mouth, and I’m pushed up against the nearby tree.
The mama bear still growls, and I look up at my kidnapper. His whole body is pressed against mine, and his… definition… is honestly kind of sexy. He has a toned, muscular feel, and from what I can feel pressed lower down, he isn’t lacking in the man department.
What is wrong with me? This fucker kidnapped me. If I didn’t have to keep quiet because a bear was around, I’d completely rip him a new one. I could knee him in the groin and let the bear eat him while I get away, but if the bear focuses on me, I don’t know if I’ll be able to outrun it.
I breathe heavily against his hand, and he silences me with a look. I breathe a little easier, and the growling stops. Something shuffles off in the distance.
“If you make a noise, you’ll bring it back,” he murmurs the words. “So keep quiet and come with me.”
Is he being… protective of me? Is he worried about me? Maybe he’s just scared he’ll lose his leverage to get the butchery back.
I shake my head, and he takes a handkerchief out and gags me again, even though I try to fight him off as silently as I can. He takes off his belt, and I know he’s going to have his way with me. He surprises me by using it to tie my hands. Then he kneels and scoops me up over his shoulder.
My stomach hurts as his shoulder digs into it, and I bang my hands against his back.
I try to pull my gag out, but he pauses when there is a shuffling sound nearby, and I know I need to keep quiet. Instead, I try to observe the direction we’re going. I try to find unique things in the dark that I can maybe identify in the light of day to get me back down from here. I don’t even know what direction I went when I ran out of the cabin. I just took off.
After walking for a while, we reach the cabin, and he carries me in and sets me back down on the floor. He replaces the belt with handcuffs connected to a long chain. He takes the other handcuff and attaches it to his wrist. “There we go. No running away now, princess. I’ve also gotten rid of your shoes since you prefer to use them as weapons.”
I can hear the anger in his voice as he forces me to my feet.
I shake my head, and he ungags me. Before I can say anything, he tugs me along to the kitchen island and sits me down to eat.
He eats with his free hand. “Food’s cold now, but it will still fill your stomach. Almost like you could have filled that bears.” He looks at me as he takes another forkful of food.
I pick at the beans and corn on my plate. “Is there anything normal to eat?” I ask.
“Define normal, and no, you eat what you get.” He grunts slightly as he shifts, touching his free hand to his bleeding shoulder. “High heels, what’s next?” He shakes his head.
I only have a fork to eat with, but I don’t try to stab him with it. I’m a bit weary now of launching myself into the dark when I can’t see. I need to wait for the daytime to see where I’m going and what the dangers are.
I eat a forkful of the food and am surprised to find it lightly seasoned. It doesn’t taste awful, but it’s not my favorite texture. It’s awkward trying to eat with a handcuff around my wrist.
“This is ridiculous. If I promise not to run away, will you take this off?” I look at him and gesture to the handcuffs.
He shakes his head. “Unfortunately, I’m disinclined to believe you, princess.”
“Stop calling me a fucking princess,” I growl.
He looks at me curiously. “You don’t like your little title?”
“Princess alludes to the fact I’m weak, a damsel in distress. I am neither of those things. I can take care of myself.” I huff.
“Except in a forest,” he points out. “That bear would have shredded you in no time, and you were about to run right toward it.”