I lift my nose into the air. “I always find a way to survive. I will survive this as well.”

He touches his shoulder briefly and then goes back to eating.

“You’ll survive if I say you survive,” he says finally.

“Who do you work for?” I ask. “Or are you some sort of psycho serial killer? You know so much about me, but I know nothing about you.”

He looks at me thoughtfully. “There’ll be plenty of time for questions after dinner. Hurry up and eat. I want to go sleep.”

I take another forkful, chew, and swallow. Unfortunately, I’m not one to stop talking, even when the powers that be have said enough.

“How long do you plan to keep me prisoner? Until my father gives back the butchery?” I ask.

“Until you tell me why the butchers are so important,” he comments. “Then I’ll drop you at your father’s house myself.”

“I don’t know why they’re special,” I groan. This is so frustrating. “I was trying to find out myself.”

“Any theories?” he asks.

“None,” I say seriously. “Now, will you take me home? I won’t even make you replace my heels.”

‘You ruined your own heels,” he huffs as he finishes his food. “You stabbed me, remember?”

I look at his shoulder. It’s going to get infected if he doesn’t clean it. I feel a little pang of guilt for stabbing him. I have never stabbed anyone before. I know it’s ‘what we do’ in the family business, and I will be called upon to do it again if I prove my loyalty and worth, but this guy is just a butcher’s kid trying to save his dad’s shop.

“Let me look at your shoulder,” I say quietly.

“Finish your food, don’t worry about my shoulder.” He shifts away from me.

I eat quietly, and when I’m done, he gets up, and I follow him as he rinses the dishes.

I touch his shoulder softly, and he grabs my wrist tightly. I wince and try to pull away. “I just want to see how bad it is. It’s going to get infected if you don’t clean it.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” He growls angrily. “You were stupid to stab me in the first place. I was doing what you asked. Now, you stay bound until I say so.”

He tugs me along and walks into the bathroom.

“Oh no, I’m not going in there with you.” I try to pull back, but he tugs me along.

“I’m going to take a leak; you can turn around if you don’t want to look.”

“Why would I want to look?” I snap.

“Maybe because you need to get laid to remove the stick from your ass, princess,” he says.

I hear his pants zip and the sound of him taking a leak. I’m almost tempted to peek. It had felt so big when he pressed his body against me. Can someone really be that big in real life?

I’ve never had sex. I haven’t even given anyone oral. Daddy’s little angel, that’s what I’ve always been, and if anyone came a few feet within me, my brothers would make sure they lost a few teeth.

I turn my head slowly, glancing out the corner of my eye.

“I thought you didn’t want to look,” he chuckles.

I look straight ahead again. “I’m not. I was stretching my neck.”

“Yeah, right,” he zips his pants up and flushes. He moves to wash his hands and looks at me as he dries them. “Tell me, is your little boyfriend good enough for you?”

I swallow, and he raises an eyebrow. “Single. I see. So Daddy won’t let the princess play with the little paupers.”