“Nothing,” Gabriel whispered out.


“You both should know by now how much I hate liars. So spill what happened.” I took a seat on the arm of the couch and waited. Lucifer was the first to respond.

“I need to pack.” His voice was tight and clipped with anger.

Well, he’s pissed.

“Why do you need to pack?” I asked as he walked past me to his room.

“LUCIFER!” I called out again but he ignored me and slammed his door shut. I looked towards Gabriel who was looking down the hallway, seething with rage.

“Gabriel, what the fuck happened?”

“Get in your room until he’s gone.”

He can’t be serious right now!

“Not until you tell me what happened.” Gabriel walked over and in a low voice responded,

“Catalina for once in your life just do as you are told.”

Fuck this shit.

I walked around him and began to make my way to Lucifer’s room. I was going to get answers whether they liked it or not and if Gabriel wasn’t going to tell me then I would make sure Lucifer would.

Before I could even cross the threshold into the hallway, Gabriel picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.


“GABRIEL PUT ME DOWN!” I shouted but he ignored me and turned around to walk towards my room.


I tried to get him to put me down, but hitting his back did nothing and I was getting pissed.

I placed my hands gently on his back as a familiar warmth coursed through me.

“OW SHIT!” Gabriel yelled as he released me, his back arching in pain as I hit the floor. I looked up and saw Gabriel walking fast towards me, I closed my eyes waiting for the verbal lashing but it never came. A warm gust of wind brushed across my skin as I opened my eyes and saw Lucifer standing there in front of me, his back to me as he faced Gabriel.

“Walk away,” Lucifer said in a hushed yet lethal tone. It sounded as if he was trying to hold himself back. As if he was struggling to remember that Gabriel was his brother, not an enemy.

Gabriel yanked his arm out of Lucifer’s grasp,

“You’re angry and I get that, but you take it up with me not her. Do I make myself clear?” This wasn’t the voice of Lucifer I had come to know. This was the voice of the Prince of Darkness and his voice was beautifully lethal.

Lucifer inched closer,

“If you ever raise a hand to her again, I will make sure that what was done to me all those years ago will seem like a mercy compared to what I will do to you.”

Well damn.

The way Lucifer spoke was captivating. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. The sound of his voice, even though it was threats coming from his mouth, was hypnotic.

Gabriel smirked at Lucifer as he whispered ever so softly that I almost didn’t hear,

“Already protecting what you think is yours I see.”