“I think you should go.”

Cory laughed,

“As long as you come with me.” Slowly his hands wrapped around my wrists, raising them and holding them above my head,

“I suggest you remove your hands from her or I’ll start removing body parts from you.”

Gabriel’s voice rang out like thunder. Slowly Cory dropped his hands from my wrists and turned towards Gabriel.

“Who the fuck are you?” Cory’s chest immediately puffed up as he stood up a little straighter.

Gabriel stepped closer,

“I’m the man who will have the delight in breaking every bone in your body until you are nothing more than a bloody puddle at my feet if you don’t get the fuck out of my house.”

Cory took a small step back as Gabriel inched closer.

“Big talk for a blonde.”

“Try me.” Gabriel’s smile was nothing but sinister as he grabbed a hold of Cory’s hand and twisted it back. The sound of his wrist snapping was deafening. Before Cory could even scream, Gabriel tossed him up against the door,

“If you even attempt to contact her again I will make your life a living hell. Do you understand me?”

Cory’s only response was a groan in pain,



Gabriel pulled Cory off the door, opening it as far as it would go,

“Good then get the fuck out of my house,” Gabriel whispered to him just before tossing him down the stairs and slamming the door shut.

“Gabriel I’m-”

“Get to your room.” His voice was low as if he was restraining himself.

“You can’t just-”


Hint Taken.

Gabriel was in no mood to talk and honestly, neither was I.

I rushed to my room and locked the door. I knew Gabriel wasn’t mad at me in this situation. He was more mad at Cory than anything. Gabriel was one of those people who saw the good in everyone, so when he saw people acting like Cory did, he got a little…Frustrated, to say the least. It had taken him years to finally see what I meant when I told him that shit like that happened to women daily. He wanted to believe that men couldn’t be like that. That there was good in this world. He learned pretty quickly that that wasn’t the world we lived in. This world was full of horrible people filled with even more horrible thoughts and agendas. This world was all about survival. Everyone was just trying to survive to see the next day.

I walked over into my en suite and turned on the shower, desperate to clean off Cory’s touch from my skin. I couldn’t be mad at Gabriel. He was just trying to protect me and keep me safe. He was always so protective over me. It was just who he was. Sometimes I used to think that Gabriel just hated seeing me with any guy. He was like a brother to me and I guess to him I was like a sister, so I could understand it. I didn’t know how I would feel about seeing Gabriel with a girl or a guy. But, Gabriel was an angel, not just a regular angel, an Arch Angel. Protecting people was in his blood.

I stepped into the shower, the water practically hot enough to melt skin.

Just the way I like it.

The water felt amazing. As if it was burning off the touch and feel of Cory’s hands and eyes from me. Gabriel just needed space and time and then he would calm down and everything would go back to normal.


* * *