I thought back to the balcony, how she had reached out her hand as if she was reaching out to grasp-

“In your dream were you going to reach for their hand this time?”

Catalina nodded her head.

“I just figured that maybe if I finally took their hand then the nightmares would end-”

“Considering you were on the balcony when you were about to grab the entity’s hand in your dream, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Who knew what would have happened if I hadn’t woken up? She could have been hurt or hurt herself in some way.

“I’ll have to agree with you there.”

We stayed silent for another moment. Our gazes catching on the little flame inside the candle.

“Do you ever have nightmares?” She asked quietly, her haze still locked on the fire that danced around the wick of the candle.

“I did when my father first appointed me to run Hell.”

It took some getting used to those first few years. It was hard to drown out what was happening down below. Hard to forget the faces and screams. Hard to forget the pleas and false promises. They haunted my dreams for years and years. I would wake in the middle of the night in a pool of my own sweat, screaming. I had lost so much sleep trying to run and hide from the nightmares that would accompany sleep if I found it.

“How did you get over it?”

“I didn’t.”

Sometimes those nightmares found me still. Even though I hadn’t been home in eons, the memories would plague my mind and in my deepest hours of sleep, the nightmares would return. Catalina snapped me out of my thoughts as I felt her small, soft hand touch mine.

“I don’t know why but the idea of you having nightmares bothers me.” She said as her small finger traced the lines of the tattoos that covered my hand.

“Does it now?” my voice sounded gruff as little sparks flooded through me.

“Haven’t you already been through enough? You lost everything, the last thing you need is to lose the comfort and sanctuary of your mind.”

“The same could be said about you.”

Catalina looked up at me. A confused and puzzled look shined in her eyes.

“Haven’t you been through enough as well?” I whispered as I looked down at the small girl who at a young age had prayed for death to escape a house of horrors. A girl who had taught herself how to block out pain. A girl who had survived brutal acts of abuse at the hands of those who she believed loved her. A girl who had been through so much that she became a woman who had built walls around herself so thick and high that no one could find a way in. A woman who forced herself to be so strong and formidable to make sure nothing could hurt her, that she didn’t know who she was under all that armor.

I rose out of my chair, picked up Catalina, and placed her on the island, bringing her eye level with me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders as I gently brushed a piece of hair from her face. Those twinkling green eyes locked on mine as I spoke,

“If you’d let me I would hunt down every person who harmed you and I would bring you their hearts.”

“Why? Why would you do that?” She said breathlessly as her hands gripped me tighter and she pulled me in closer. My hands drifted down to her waist, my fingers tightly wrapping around her.

“Because I care about you and the thought of someone harming you angers me. greatly.”

My eyes shifted from her eyes to her pink lips.

Just one taste. One little taste…

I leaned down pressing my forehead to hers, my lips mere inches from hers.

Catalina’s eyes closed as she relaxed in my grip, tilting her head slightly she leaned in closer.

The sound of my phone ringing startled us. Causing us to release each other and break apart. I pulled out my phone to see a text from Gabriel.

Perfect fucking timing!