Catalina lifted herself off the counter, running a shaky hand through her dark hair. A slight pink blush decorated across her cheeks,

“I-I’ll see you in the morning.”


She rushed past me, practically running towards her room. Determined to put distance between us. I pulled out my phone as I heard the soft click of her door shutting.

Just checking in. Is everything okay?

I locked my phone, shoving it back into my pocket leaving Gabriel’s message unanswered as I glanced at the seat she had occupied at the kitchen island.

I almost kissed her. I almost had her lips on mine, almost got the chance to find out what she tasted like, what her lips felt like. For a moment I got a glimpse of what it would be like if she were mine.

* * *

Why the hell is she brewing coffee this fucking early?

I rolled out of my bed and put my shirt from last night back on and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

Damn, I look like shit.

It was true. I was out until two in the morning just flying around and Catalina’s nightmare occurred around three in the morning. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand beside me,

7:00 AM.

Four hours of sleep. Great.

If she’s making coffee, she better be prepared to share.

I tossed on a pair of gym shorts and made my way to the kitchen, mainly to ask her how the hell she was awake at this hour but instead of Catalina in the kitchen, It was Gabriel.

“Well, don’t you look beautiful brother?” He chuckled as he turned around and finally saw me.

It is far too early to be this sarcastic.

“What the hell are you doing back so early?” I grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and made my way to the coffee pot.

“Your note said you wouldn’t be back until this afternoon.”

Gabriel shrugged,

“My plans finished early.”

Story of your life isn’t it brother?

“Is Catalina still asleep?”

Gabriel smirked as he motioned his cup to the balcony.

“See for yourself.”

I rushed over to the balcony and saw her.

She’s smiling and using her gift. But she’s smiling.

“I don’t know what happened and frankly I’m too afraid to ask but whatever you did. I’m glad. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her smile, let alone while using her flame.”

Her flame.