She stiffened beneath me. She had left her dagger in her purse and she left her purse at the booth. At that moment she had no weapon, nothing else to use except what she was given.

“Look I froze okay? I’m sorry-”

“Why the fuck are you apologizing?”

She had no reason to apologize. She defended herself against that creep.

“Catalina, you have no reason to be sorry. For anything.”

She remained silent.

Talk. please. Just say something. Anything.

“I wanted to hurt him.”

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she continued,

“ I wanted to hurt him at that moment and I wanted to be the person who had done it. I saw the way everyone looked at us when we were leaving. They looked at me as if I were some monster and he was the innocent one.”

A small tear escaped her eye and trailed down her cheek.

“Everyone always assumes that I’m the bad guy. Everyone always assumes the worst without getting any of the details first.”

She squeezed my hands and pulled them away from her,

“People just assume that I am this horrible evil person but no fucking asked what might’ve happened. What my side of things are!” She yelled as she pushed me away and jumped off the island. Before I could stop myself I walked to her and pulled her close to me. I don’t know why I did it and frankly, I didn’t care. We stayed like that for a few moments. Her head resting on my chest. I could feel her breathing begin to even out. I took her face in my hands and looked straight into those green eyes that had now glossed over. I could see the slight trail that her tears had left as they fell down her face.

I hate this. I hate seeing her like this.

“Catalina you are no monster. If anyone is a monster it is me because I would’ve set more than just that boy’s pants on fire and if people are too stupid to see all the good that is in you, then they are not worthy of you and do not deserve to have you in their life.”

It was true. Every word I spoke to her. Here was this small creature who was crying because she thought she was a monster for defending herself.

A monster wouldn’t cry. A monster wouldn’t be upset that people feared them.

“Why do you think you’re a monster Lucifer?”

No one has ever asked me that before,

Yet I smiled as I answered her,

“I’m the devil, I was born to be a monster princess.”

Ever so slightly she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers,

“I’ve seen my fair share of monsters in my life and you, Lucifer, are no monster. A pain in the ass perhaps, but no monster.”

We stayed like that for a few more moments. Just us. Our fingers intertwined, just gazing at each other.

Why does this feel so right with her?

“It’s getting late, we should probably get to bed.” She whispered.

Not yet. Please just a few more moments.

“Show me your flame. One more time.” I asked, just desperate to have one more moment with her. She untangled her hand from mine and held out her hand in between us. I only glanced at it a second and looked back at her as she gazed at the little magic she conjured up.

“What does it feel like? To have this gift?”