



Her eyes opened, and all of the orange had disappeared as she dropped the man to the floor. Gently I gathered her up in my arms and carried her away.

“You need to get a handle on your bitch there buddy.”

Before I could even react, Catalina extended her hand as a small ember of flame shot out and caught on the man’s jeans. A small vengeful smile grazed her face as she beheld the terror in the man’s eyes.

She just lit this man’s pants on fire. Good Girl.

“Catalina let’s get you home now.”

I held her tighter as I rushed her out the door and into the passenger seat of her car. Before pulling away I could see the man and others surrounding him, trying to help him stand. They had put out the fire and were trying to help him in other ways. While others were staring out the window. At us.

No. At her.

* * *

The entire ride home was silent but I could tell she was thinking. She was twirling that piece of hair in front of her face and staring out the window. Oblivious to the world.

We pulled into Gabriel’s driveway and immediately I unbuckled her and opened her door.

“Grab on and hold on tight,” I said to her and she listened and latched her arms around my neck and I carried her to the house, kicking the door shut before I gently set her down on the kitchen island.

“Are you okay?”

She remained silent, her eyes never blinking as she reached up to twirl that little piece of hair again,



“I am not trying to, but answer the damn question!”

I took her face in my hands and those big beautiful green eyes were full of tears,

“Did he hurt you?”

She shook her head.

“No. I’m fine.”

“What exactly happened?” I asked her as she slowly raised her hand over mine,

“I was coming out of the bathroom and we saw each other, he pulled me into the hall, saying he just wanted to talk, but I didn’t. I tried to move around him but I-I couldn’t.”

I hope more than just his pants burned.


She remained silent.

“He had a weapon on him didn’t he?”