“It’s always the quiet girls you have to look out for,” I smirked at her as a hint of a smile blossomed on her face.

“ Why did you punch him?”

Catalina went silent for a moment and when I looked over I could see a hint of orange reflecting in her eyes.

“I was standing at my locker, grabbing my books and he had stood behind me, pulled up my skirt, and grabbed my ass. I tried telling a teacher and all they said was that I should try wearing something more appropriate to school. I went home thinking it was my fault. So I wore jeans the next day, and sure enough, he did it again so I lost it and I punched him.”

I wanted his name and I wanted it now.

“And this boy never received any consequences?”

Catalina shook her head,

“They never do.”

Tell me his name and I’ll make sure he will.

“I’ll be right back.” She said as she slowly slipped out of the booth. I watched as she made her way to what seemed like the restroom and waited.

“She doesn’t like to be touched without permission.” Gabriel’s words plagued my mind as I thought about what the boy had done to Catalina when she was younger. I understood why. If someone had touched me when I hadn’t wanted them to and then continued to keep doing it for months on end, I wouldn’t want to be touched either. The fact that she could still be intimate with others showed how strong she was. She still wanted to live and experience things as if that experience had never even happened, yet her mind would never let her forget. She had built walls up to try and keep those thoughts from her mind. Walls that had hardened her and prevented her from letting anyone in, from getting too close, and for a brief moment I wondered what Catalina would be like if she let those walls come down. If she allowed herself to let people in and care for her.

Something was wrong.

Catalina had been gone for a little over ten minutes. Something wasn’t right. I could feel it.

I stood up and made my way over to the area where she had gone. She said she would be right back.

Where the hell is she?

Just as I was about to tear down the door to the bathroom I heard it. Her voice.

“Seriously Eric, just leave me alone.”

The male laughed,

“Come on Cat, you know we had a great night the last time we hung out.”

“It was one night and that’s all.”

“It could be so much more.” He whispered against her lips and kissed her.

Motherfucker she’s mi-

Catalina pushed the man back and wrapped her hand around his throat as she pressed him up against the wall. The orange in her eyes was proudly on display as a faint red glow began to appear around her hand as she wrapped her hands around his throat.


“Catalina, it’s time to go,” I shouted to her as I came up behind her. The man had a look of pure fear in his eyes as a small stain appeared on the front of his pants.

“I’ll go when he stops breathing.”

I placed a hand on her wrist,

“I will deal with him as long as you get out of here.” She stayed silent and I could see her grip on the man’s throat getting tighter. The red band slightly getting brighter and brighter around the man’s neck.

“Catalina take five seconds.” Slowly she closed her eyes, breathing deeply as she counted the seconds that went by.
