“What would you like to do for dinner then?”

“There is a cool place a couple blocks away and trust me the food is to die for.”

“I’m not going to a club for dinner.”

I rolled my eyes at him.

“It’s not a club, it’s a small diner run by this sweet old couple.”

Lucifer nodded as he tossed Gabriel’s note aside,

“Very well.”

I smiled. I haven’t been there in months.

“We’ll both need to shower and change so be back here in thirty minutes.”

I couldn’t even wait for his reply as I raced back to my room to get ready. I couldn’t help it. I was excited about anything food-related. I had such a good feeling about tonight. It was the first time in a long while that I was going out and not planning on getting wasted and taking some frat boy alpha male wannabe home. Instead, I was going to spend the evening at one of my favorite places with Lucifer and honestly, I was happy at that thought.

For once in my life everything was going well and I was happy. Gabriel and I were getting back to how we used to be and Lucifer….Well, he was kind of growing on me. He had only been here a little over three months and yet so much had changed in such a short time. I liked spending time with him. Sometimes after training, we would sit in the library and he would help me rearrange my books, sometimes holding up to twenty hardcovers in his hands because I refused to let them touch the floor. He never complained though.

Some days were hard though. Some days where my gaze would catch on a scar on my body and all I could do was focus on that scar and what had happened to cause it to stain my body. Those were the moments when all I wanted to do was reach for the nearest bottle and drink myself into sweet oblivion. Lucifer wouldn’t allow it, with him if I wanted a drink he would haul my ass outside for training, and then afterward he would make me one. He learned what my favorite drinks were and made mock-tails for me instead and damn he was good at making them. They practically tasted the same as if they had booze in them.

Being around him in the beginning was hard. I hated him. I hated the way he had spoken to me, hated the way he looked at me, but now…I got it. He and Gabriel were trying to help and I had been so drunk and fucked up that I couldn’t see it. He was tough on me before because Gabriel played the nice card all the time and I never got it. He opened my eyes to what I was like, what I was becoming. Slowly, I was becoming my mother and I hated that. I was becoming an empty vessel full of anger, rage, and hate. I thought that I was healing. In my own sick way, I thought with the drinking and fucking I could shut off my mind for a few moments and find some sort of peace, holding out for some kind of relief. But it never came and I was slowly digging myself into an early grave. I almost gave my mother the thing she wanted most in this world. For me to be dead.

He saved me. Lucifer. The Devil himself had saved me.

* * *

Lucifer’s POV

An hour later Catalina and I had arrived at Carmelo’s.

She had somehow managed to snag us a booth in the back and had ordered us each a drink and a basket of chicken tenders and fries.

She has the food pallet of a child.

“So where did you learn to fight?” She asked as she dipped her fry in ketchup.

“I can’t really remember, I’ve just always known how to fight and have always been the best of my brothers at it.”

“I was the best at fighting among my siblings too but then again they didn’t care much for fighting when they never had to.”

I could see the wetness in her eyes start to appear as her shoulders began to tense up and she slowly reached up and began to twirl her hair.

She does not like her family.

“When was your first fight?” I asked her, hoping to pull her from whatever thought was clouding her head.

“Sixth grade. I punched some kid in the nose and got away with it.”

Why am I not surprised?

“The teachers couldn’t believe that little sweet Catalina could do such a thing.” Her shoulders relaxed as she continued.

“Everyone always thought I was so little and sweet and quiet.”

Oh how wrong they were.