I knew Catalina didn’t have the best relationship with her mother but I didn’t think a text from this woman could make Catalina this…
“Is she upset?” Gabriel nodded as he pushed his hair back,
“Her mother tends to say things that get under her skin.” Gabriel began to walk away, back towards the kitchen. I grabbed him by the arm, pulling him back to face me.
“What did she say to her?”
“No offense brother but it is none of your business so just leave her-”
“I will not repeat myself, Gabriel. Either you willingly tell me what that woman said to her or I will force it out of you. Your choice.”
Gabriel hesitated for a moment, and it was possibly the longest moment of my life.
“She called her an ungrateful, inconsiderate selfish human being and that she should be ashamed of herself for everything she’s done to her family.”
Everything she’s done?
Gabriel told me before that Catalina had done some very risky things when she was a teenager, but dammit the girl was a fully grown adult now! She wasn’t the same person she was back then. She didn’t deserve to have the past thrown in her face time after time again. I was pissed at her mother, first for the way Catalina was treated growing up and now I was pissed at what she had texted Catalina. I released Gabriel and busted through Catalina’s door. Her room was in complete darkness, her curtains closed, and no light or sound to be found anywhere. No trace of who she was. Just utter and complete darkness. Catalina lay in her bed, her red puffy eyes open as she stared at the ceiling. Completely unaware that I had even stepped into her room. Seeing her like this…I hated it. I hated that her mother could make her feel this way.
“Get up.”
Catalina barely moved.
“Catalina get up and get out of this damn bed or I will carry you out of it.” I wouldn’t allow her to wallow like this. I wouldn’t allow her to let that woman make her feel like this. Slowly her head turned and her eyes met mine.
“Get up and get out of this bed Now.” I knelt so that I was face-to-face with her. She was like a ghost. No presence of that spark that made her her. It was like a light was blown out inside of her. I knew she was in there, a small ember of her still shined in there and I would dig it out of her, even if she hated me for it. Slowly she started to turn her head back to face the ceiling,
I reached over and grabbed the side of her face, turning her to look back at me.
“Don’t do that. Do not let her do this to you. Her opinion of you does not matter, she does not matter.” A small tear escaped her eye,
“Do not give her that power over you.” Catalina gently closed her eyes as another tear slid down her face. I pulled her blanket back and gently picked her up. She was still dressed in the gym outfit she wore yesterday,
“Where are we going?” She asked as I gathered her in my arms. Her voice was hoarse as if she had been screaming all night.
“To train.” I carried her throughout the house and eventually out into the backyard.
“I don’t want to train.”
I placed her down on the ground,
“That’s too bad. Now get your dagger out of my bag and get into position.”
She was hurting. I knew she was and I knew the minute Gabriel and I left her alone, she’d start drinking. The cycle would repeat itself all over again. She was doing well and I refused to let her mother or anyone ruin this for her. I turned towards the house, to go and bring Gabriel out but he was already on the patio. Watching us.
* * *
“That hurt you son of a bitch!” Catalina yelled, my dagger making a sharp cut on her arm,
“Are you going to cry about it now?” I answered back to her. She slashed her dagger, aiming for my throat but I ducked and stepped to her left, hitting her arm and knocking the dagger out of her hand. The orange in her eyes was starting to become even more apparent yet she wasn’t using the breathing techniques I had shown her.
She’s giving into the anger.
“I HAVE A RIGHT TO BE FUCKING ANGRY!” She yelled as she pushed me away and began heading towards the house.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” I yelled at her as she continued to walk away. Ignoring me.