“You’re going for a drink aren’t you?” I shouted back at her, and slowly she turned to face me.

“Yes, so what?”

I shook my head,

“Unbelievable, one minor setback and your instinct is to drink.”

“It’s been a rough day and I need a damn drink!”

“You don’t need a fucking drink!” I yelled taking a small step towards her.

“You don’t know what I fucking need! You don’t know anything about me!” Catalina rushed into the house and made her way to the liquor cabinet, pouring herself a tall glass of Whiskey.

“Put the fucking drink down Catalina.”

“Go to hell!”

“Fine you wanna fucking drink then go ahead and fucking drink but do not expect me or Gabriel to be here when you sober up!”

Slowly her gaze shifted up to me, and a slight glossiness hazed over them.

“If you take a sip of that drink Gabriel and I will not help you anymore. If you take a sip of that drink, Gabriel and I will pack your shit and drop you off wherever you choose to go and we will leave. And you will be alone. Is that what you want?”

She gazed down at the bottle of whiskey she still clutched in her hand. For a moment I thought she would do it. That she would take a sip and that would be her decision. Relief flooded my chest as I watched her put down the bottle and dump whatever she had poured in her cup down the drain. Slowly I took a step closer,

“You have every right to be angry Catalina. You can be as angry as you want, you can stab, kick, and punch me all you want if that’s what you want but what you’re not going to do is let that woman’s opinion of you shape who you are.”

“I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO I AM!” Catalina yelled as she leaned against the fridge and sank to the ground.

“I tried for so long to make up for what I did. I tried being a good daughter and It got me nowhere. I gave up on everything I loved and enjoyed, to make them happy and all they saw when they looked at me was a mistake they never should have made.”

I took a seat beside her as she pulled her legs to her chest,

“I don’t know who I am Lucifer.”

“Well, you certainly won’t find who you are at the bottom of a bottle of whiskey,” I smirked at her. A slight smile appeared on her face. I didn’t know much about how someone would find who they were supposed to be in this life. Who I was, was determined from the moment of my creation. I was who I was because I was created that way. This was who I was destined to be yet she had so many options on who she could be. That was one thing I was always jealous about. The ability to have free will. It fascinated me. She could be anything, she could become anyone she wanted. All she had to do was pick.

Gently I took her hand in mine,

“You are Catalina. Only you can decide what that means.”

I squeezed her hand gently,

“She wins. If you destroy yourself because of her, she wins. She’ll have that power over you. Don’t let her have it.”

Catalina smiled as she squeezed my hand before she let go and stood up, and offered her hand to me.

“Shall we go another round?”

“As you wish, princess,” I said as I grasped Catalina’s hand and stood up as she rolled her eyes.

“You know that nickname is actually kind of growing on me a little bit.” I tossed Catalina her dagger from where it had landed moments before, she easily caught it by the hilt and within seconds was in position.

“Do your worst,” I smirked at her as the sound of our daggers coming together played out in their own symphony.

* * *

“Where are you going all dressed up?”