“Catalina either you drive to the police station or I’ll drag you there kicking and screaming, either way you’re making a report so pick how you want to arrive there.”

Her hands tightened on the steering wheel as she stared out of the window. She shook her head and for a moment I thought she wouldn’t do it. And that was not acceptable. I put my hand on the gear shift, shifting the car to drive as I looked at Catalina and took her face in my hand, locking her eyes on mine,


* * *

Catalina’s POV

“This is a waste of time,” I said as Lucifer and I climbed the stairs to the police station. I didn’t want to be here. I just wanted to fucking go home already.

“Reporting some creep that assaulted you is not a waste of damn time,” Lucifer said as he held the door open for me. He was wrong though. It was a waste of time. I knew exactly how this would go and what would happen.

We made our way through the hallway until we reached the front desk where a shorter and more heavy officer sat, laughing at something on his phone. He had barely even noticed that Lucifer and I were standing in front of him until Lucifer cleared his throat. I watched as the officer became slightly irritated as he laid his phone down on the counter and stood up. The irritation quickly left his face as he took in the man who stood before him.

“What can I do for you folks-”

“She needs to file a report for an assault.”

The officer nodded his head before looking back at me,

“Of course, please follow me and we’ll ask you some questions.”

I nodded, following the officer as he gestured towards a long hallway.

“I’ll wait for you out here,” Lucifer whispered as he took a single step away from me. I nodded my head before turning away from him, following the officer down the long cold hallway.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Five minutes. That’s all it would take and then I could leave this building and never come back. I could do this. I could tell them what happened.

I can’t do this!

I turned back and rushed back to the lobby where Lucifer stood leaning up against the door frame to the hallway.

“Will you come with me?”

Lucifer glanced down at me. His eyes were full of concern yet they were… soft as he looked at me.

“Is that what you want?”


I needed him with me. I needed someone I could trust, someone I knew wouldn’t try anything. I needed him.

Lucifer nodded as he grabbed my hand, leading me back down the hallway. We caught back up to the officer who stood beside an open dark brown door. The room reminded me of the interrogation rooms I had seen on TV multiple times. White tile covered the floors and judging by how much dirt and grime were on them, this place hadn’t had any renovations done to it in quite some time. The walls that I assumed had been white once now held a sheen of yellow grime. Lucifer followed me in, pulling out the metal chair and ushering me into the seat. He didn’t take the seat beside me, instead, he stood behind me as the officer closed the door and took the seat across from me.

Here we go…

* * *

“And was that the only time this happened?” The officer asked as he continued to write down what I said.

“Yes, it was just the one instance.”

The officer nodded as he scribbled more down on his notepad. I had told him everything that had happened in Dr. Wilson’s office all those months ago. I froze a few times. My mind put me back into that space and for a moment I was back in that office, feeling his hands on me, feeling his breath on my skin. Lucifer was able to pull me out of it. A simple tap on my shoulder was all it took and I was back. After the first time, he had moved his hands away, but after the second time, Lucifer decided to keep his hands on my shoulders. Part of me flinched at the contact and I had to remind myself that I was not in that office and that it was Lucifer gripping my shoulders, not Dr. Wilson.

His touch grounded me. Bringing me back from that dark place and back into reality.