“I just have a few more questions before you guys get outta here,” The officer said as he shifted in his chair,

“How long were you seeing Dr. Wilson for?”

“Maybe two months.”

“And you said this was the only time this kind of thing happened?”

I nodded my head,

“That’s correct.”

“Miss Catalina, do you remember exactly what you were wearing that day?”

I rolled my eyes,

And there we go.

Before I could say anything, Lucifer spoke,

“What the fuck does what she was wearing have anything to do with what he did to her?”

The officer stiffened as he looked up at Lucifer,

“Sometimes what someone wears can influence the way one acts and-”

“You better not be insinuating what I think you are.”

The officer laid down his pen, clutching his hands together as he looked at me,

“All I am saying is that sometimes, when we dress a certain way some people can interpret that as an invitation to-”

“DO NOT BLAME THIS ON HER!” Lucifer yelled as his hands left my shoulders and pounded on the metal table.

“What she wore that day is not fucking relevant, what is relevant is what happened to her and what that piece of shit tried to do.” Lucifer seethed as he stared down at the officer who looked as if he was a few seconds away from bolting from the room.

Lucifer stood, his hands sliding off the metal table and back to his side,

“Now what is going to be done about him?”

“There will be an investigation regarding Dr. Wilson-”

“An investigation? That’s it?”

“We have to make sure we have all of the truthful and correct information.” He said as his gaze cut to me. Lucifer seemed to notice and looked down at me and then back at the officer.

“Are you insinuating that she is lying?”

“I am not insinuating anything but a man’s innocence and reputation are on the line with something like this, we just need to make sure everything is correct and factual.”

“Are you serious?” Lucifer asked as he rounded the table, standing in front of the officer,

“A woman comes to you, tells you she’s been assaulted and you are more concerned about what she was wearing and the damn man’s reputation than what happened to her, and then have the nerve to insinuate that she is lying!”

The officer stood, stepping up to Lucifer even though he was a good four inches short of Lucifer,

“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to like-”

“SIT DOWN!” Lucifer screamed. The officer sat back down in his chair as Lucifer leaned forward, placing a hand behind the officer and resting it on the back of the chair. “I don’t care what you have to do or whose ass you have to kiss, but you are going to do whatever you have to do to make sure this report goes through,” Lucifer leaned in even closer, a wicked smile blossoming on his face,