“No. He… I was in a car accident when I was a child, the car hit me and drove off, Gabriel healed me.”

“How badly were you hurt?” The question rolled out of me before I could stop it.

“So many questions today Lucifer,” I could hear the slight smile in her tone of voice.

“It wasn’t too bad. Just a couple of broken bones but at that point, I was old enough to know how to numb myself enough to block out the pain. But Gabriel offered to heal me and we’ve been friends ever since.”

“And the fighting? Where did you learn that?” I asked as I tossed the washcloth into the sink and returned the cleaner to the cabinet.

“Everyone has to fight eventually to survive, so I taught myself.”

“And your fire gift?”

She turned off the sink, grabbed a towel, and began to dry her hands, Still not looking at me.

“What about it?”

I inched a bit closer.

“Have you taught yourself to use it in a fight?”

She scoffed and finally decided to look at me,

“Of course not.”

“May I ask why?”

I watched as Catalina took a deep breath and closed her eyes,

“Despite my rather..violent tendencies, I don’t want to hurt people, and when I use it sometimes things happen and I lose control and when I lose control, bad things tend to happen.”

She’s worried about hurting people that might hurt her? What a strange little creature she is.

“What if I trained you in using your gift? To help you control it.”

She looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“I assume you begin to lose control when you are angry, correct?”

She nodded her head ever so slightly,

I knew it.

“So I can help you to control that anger and train you to use your fire only when you have to.”

Catalina was silent for a moment. I was worried she wouldn’t answer but it was an offer she couldn’t refuse. If she lost control the only person she would hurt was me and I was very hard to hurt. Besides, I angered her in general. I doubted she would feel much regret if she did somehow manage to hurt me.

This could be the way to help her!

Training her. Helping her control that anger could be the outlet she needs to get better.

“Your fire could be a very powerful weapon once you control it.” Her response was almost instant.



“Because I don’t want to hurt people.”