You can try but you won’t succeed.

Within seconds Gabriel was there to separate us and help Catalina up. The pain between my legs had dulled a bit and I was able to stand up.

“Where did you learn to do that?”

It is not every day that someone could impress me, let alone take me down and have me on my back. I watched as she and Gabriel exchanged a look and she answered as she sat back in her seat.

“Don’t worry about it.”

I wasn’t worried. I was intrigued. The girl couldn’t be more than 5’2 and was able to take me down and I was pushing 6’8. She had had some form of training from the way she reacted when I grabbed her wrist, Remembering what Gabriel said about how she hated being touched without permission, I put the pieces together, she might have been forced to learn to defend herself. And for some reason, that angered me.

The sound of Gabriel clearing his throat pulled me back in,

“When was the last time you even read a book Lucifer?”

I scoffed,

“Gabriel I have never even seen you with a book so I am even surprised you know what they are.”

“I wasn’t even aware either of you knew how to read.”

Gabriel burst into laughter as I stole a glance at Catalina. She was smiling. A genuine smile. Not her usual rehearsed sarcastic smile that she always gave. This one was different. It was..sweet.

I like it.

She must have felt me staring because she instantly looked back at me. That beautiful smile still plastered onto her face and I couldn’t help but smile back.

* * *

“Alright so since I paid for dinner, you two can clean up and I’ll be back in an hour,” Gabriel said as he grabbed his keys, heading for the door.

“Where are you headed off to?” Catalina asked as she took a sip from her glass.

“I’m meeting someone at the shop. Like I said I’ll be back in an hour. Try not to kill each other please.”

Catalina waved him off as Gabriel made his way out the door.

“I’ll do the dishes if you want to wipe down the island and counters.” She said as she stood and began to make her way to the sink, I reached over and grabbed the cleaner and a rag.

“So I never did get a chance to ask you but how did you and Gabriel become so close?”

I already knew the answer from Gabriel but I was curious what her side of the story was. Was she frightened? Scared? Or did she genuinely value his friendship throughout the years?

“He helped me out when I was in a really bad situation and we’ve been close ever since.”

“Is that how you found out what Gabriel was and that we existed?”

She shrugged as she placed a dish on the drying rack.

“I figured angels were real, my mother was the intense religious type and kind of drilled into me and my siblings biblical stories and your stories.”

Our stories.

She already had an idea of the kind of person Gabriel was. The kind of person I was and for a brief moment, a part of me was disappointed. Not by what she said but that she had a preconceived notion of who I was. The stories she was probably told about me. What she must have heard. Then again I had done the same thing to her when I had met her for the first time.

“Gabriel has always been honest and upfront about what he was and his intentions.”

“So my brother just came out and said he was an Archangel?”