“Is that what you did after you fell?”

Not necessarily.

Those first few years after I fell were rough and to be honest I didn’t remember most of what happened. Everything had just begun to blur together at that point.

“When I fell I was angry. I had just lost everything. My family, my friends, my people. Everything and everyone I loved was gone and I knew what was going to happen. The story that was to be told. I was going to be painted as the villain. There was no running from it and I lost myself and I’ll admit I did a lot of things to..find myself again-”

“Do you regret it?” she asked as she handed me another slice of garlic bread,

“What you did do to heal?”

“What I did wasn’t healing, it was destruction but yes, yes I do.”

Catalina stood and placed her now empty plate in the sink as I continued,

“You said before that there wasn’t much to do but read when you’re locked up,”

Catalina’s shoulders tensed,

“Did your mother and father ever-”

“I don’t want to talk about that right now.” She snapped at me, her head slightly turning from where she stood at the sink.

“Very well princess.”

“Don’t call me that.”

Before I could respond a noise came from her phone. Catalina rushed over. A small smile decorated her face. It disappeared instantly.

“Not good news I presume?”

“Just another bullshit notification.”

She said as she tossed the phone back on the table,

“Why do you want them to reach out?” From what Gabriel had told me, Catalina had decided to cut them out, more or less her mother than the others, so why was she so worked up that they hadn’t reached out? Wasn’t that what she wanted? Catalina’s shoulders stiffened,

“I guess I just hoped they would…I don’t know, maybe they would notice, but I guess not.” She turned from the counter making her way to the fridge,

“You were right last night by the way.”

I glanced up at her, her body was so tense as she stood with her back to me.

“Right about what?”

Catalina reached into the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water before she made her way back to the island,

“Nobody wants me.”

“I spoke out of anger last night, I didn’t mean-”

“You did though,”

Her green eyes met mine, a soft wetness laid within them yet she let no tears fall as she looked at me,

“And you were correct, no one wants me, my mother treated me as if I was more of an inconvenience to her, and my father was barely around, as if he was repulsed by me, and my brothers? well, they always seemed more occupied with their lives than letting me be a part of theirs or trying to be part of mine.”

She was alone. Always alone. In her own form of exile.