“How much did you drink today?”

I shrugged and lifted the barely open wine bottle,

“Counting this one, Three.” Gabriel sighed as he walked over to the couch and sat in front of me on the coffee table.

“That makes Ten bottles in three days,” Gently he pried the bottle out of my hands,

“If you’re upset we can talk about it.” I rolled my eyes,

“There’s nothing to talk about.” I hated that. I hated that he thought something was wrong whenever I was drinking. I was just a normal 25-year-old. We drink and make bad decisions. It’s what we’re best at.

“Catalina I think-”

“I have to go get ready anyway.” I cut him off trying to avoid the entire issue. We’ve had this discussion before and I wasn’t really in the mood to hear how much of a problem he thought my drinking was.

“Ready for what?” Gabriel asked as I stood up and made my way back to my room. Gabriel followed. I leaned against my doorframe and answered him.

“I have a date tonight, we’re going to that new club that just opened up downtown.” Gabriel nods,

“Just please be careful and call if you need me, seriously If you need me I’m there.” I smiled. Gabriel nodded, I could tell he wanted to say something but he was holding back, like he always did.

“I won’t be out too late I promise,” I said as I walked into my room to get ready. I needed this distraction tonight. I needed to get out of my head, even for a few hours.

* * *

I stared at my outfit one last time before heading out. A simple black strapless satin crop top, black leather pants, and my Christian Louboutin Vidura’s. Perfect. Simple and a little edgy. I grabbed the black little handbag that Gabriel had gotten me last year for my birthday and headed out the door. I didn’t see Gabriel on the way out but I figured he’d be busy doing whatever work he hadn’t finished for the day anyway. Gabriel was always busy running around town either working his small little music shop or doing whatever volunteer work he had signed up for that day. I pulled out my phone and texted him,

Heading out now! B back at 3 :P

I had just started the car when my phone pinged with his response,

Stay safe and please call if you need me. Have fun loser!

I heart reacted to the message and plugged the address into my GPS. fifteen minutes. Not bad at all. Tonight was going to be a good night. I could feel it. Nothing was going to ruin this night for me.

* * *

The Veil was everything I had hoped to be, Devon however was not. He had asked me my favorite color at least eight times and I was thoroughly annoyed. Some guys just didn’t have a personality. I had lost him around 1 AM after telling him I had a “Family emergency”. Oldest trick in the book but I couldn’t take it anymore. I did manage to get six tequila shots from the guy. Which is why I was feeling so damn good right now. It could’ve also been the guy standing behind me with his hands on my waist. He had startled me when he first did it but as I turned to face him and saw his very handsome face, toned sculpted body, short black hair, piercing blue eyes, and tall. Very tall. At least 6’5. I gave in.

“You got a name?” He whispered in my ear as his grip tightened on my waist.

“You can call me Cat,” I replied. I never give out my real name. Not anymore.

“Well Miss Cat, why don’t we continue this dance in private.” Now that sounded like fun. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in close as I whispered,

“I like the way you think.” he kissed my neck before reaching for my hand and leading me out the door to his car. A 2022 E-Class All-Terrain crossover.

Oh, he’s loaded.

Like a gentleman, he opened the passenger door for me and helped me inside. I could tell from the immaculate interior that he just got the car.

I wonder if he used his own money or his daddy’s money

Within ten minutes we’re at his place. Rose Pointe Luxury Apartments.

Of course, he lives here.

These places easily went for over $8,000 a month. He pulled up to the front and opened my door, taking my hand and leading me to the front entrance as he tossed the keys to the valet. I glanced at the floor-to-ceiling windows that graced the front of the building.