Damn, it would suck to clean those.

Dark amber golden lights lit up the place, adding a touch of normalcy to the porcelain white tiles that covered the floor.

I didn’t have a chance to take in the rest of the place before he picked me up and carried me to the elevator.

“You are quite the dancer I must say.” I blushed as I looked him in the eyes and whispered,

“Well I trained in dance for many years so I guess it’s paying off,” I smirked as his eyes slightly widened, The heat building in his eyes intensified,

“Well, maybe you’ll have to show me what other moves you’ve learned.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips

Not bad mystery man. Not bad at all.

The elevator door dinged and opened up to a-

Of course, he lives in the top-floor penthouse. How original.

He carried me through the penthouse and into a very spacious and dark bedroom. Not a single thing was out of place, everything was so..cold. It almost felt like he lived in a hospital. He gently placed me down and went to close the door. I took the opportunity to look at myself and fix myself up. My long black hair reaches just past my chest, you’d never know my hair was naturally curly. My dark eye shadow and mascara were a little messed up but honestly, it was about to get messier. Luckily my foundation was still going strong and concealing my dark freckles. My olive skin has a tinge of pink making me look a little flushed and glassy green eyes.

Damn I look like a mess

“Shall we continue our dance Cat?” Mystery guy said as he looked at me through the reflection in his mirror. His hands found their way to my waist and his lips found their mark on my neck.

This is just what I need.

This feeling. Call it lust, passion, and desire. Whatever you want to call it. I just needed it. Needed to feel something. To feel wanted. I turned to face him. The heat was still prominent in his eyes as I pushed him down onto the bed and ever so slowly began to remove my top. Like every man, his eyes got wider as he stared at my chest, and for a moment I smiled until his gaze locked with the mirror and on my back.


“Are you alright? What happened-” I leaned forward and kissed him to stop the question.

If I can just get on my back it’ll be like nothing ever happened.

And as if he read my mind, he laid his hands on my waist and flipped me onto my back. Breaking the kiss to admire my chest.

“God damn these can’t be real,” he murmured against my chest as he placed soft gentle kisses on each breast and slowly began to kiss his way down my body. He stopped and gently unbuttoned my pants and slid them off my body. He smirked as he realized I had nothing else underneath.

“I should have known,” He chuckled and gently placed a kiss right below my belly button.

“Girls like you are always ready.”

Girls like me? Wtf is that supposed to mean?

Before I could even continue thinking I felt his tongue slide up my center.

Holy Fuck!

Was the last thought I had as I gave in to the sweet abyss.

* * *

Why do cell phones have to make so much noise?

I reached for my phone to hit snooze for what seemed like the fifth time. I glanced at my phone and nearly had a breakdown as I saw the time. 8:00 AM.

“Fucking shit I’m late,” I muttered to myself as I looked around the room for my clothes.

Gabriel is going to kill me