“I didn’t realize Gabriel was such an active reader.”

Catalina walked in and stared at the rows and rows of books,

“They aren’t Gabriel’s, They’re mine.”

I glanced back at her and I could feel my eyebrows move up in a questioning look,

“You’ve read all these books?” She looked me up and down as if she were some predator assessing her prey,


“Impressive. It must have taken you years to get through all of them.” She shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest.

I glanced back at her as she took her eyes off mine and glanced back at the books,

“There isn’t much to do but read or go crazy when you’re locked up all the time and escapism is cheaper than most therapists.”

Locked up? What could this girl possibly know about being locked up

“What would you know about being locked up?” I caught myself asking before I could even stop myself.

She slowly reached over and plucked a book off the shelf. From the slightly yellow pages, I could tell she had this book for a while, and she slowly began to walk to the door.

“Word of advice Lucifer, Don’t go around touching my things.”

“Word of advice Catalina, Don’t tell the Devil what to fucking do.”

Without so much as another glance at me, she walked out the door and gently closed the door behind her.

This was her room. Her space. The essence of the person she was.


I glanced around the room again. The dark paint that covered the walls, the little crystals she had displayed on some of the bookshelves along with a few trinkets here and there. There were no windows. The room was dark yet it presented a cozy undertone. The twinkling lights streamed against the ceiling added a bit more light to the room. The entire room had hints of whimsy and fantastical elements. It was as if you had walked into a library tucked inside of a fantasy novel. I half expected a fairy to start flying around the room.

They would love a place like this.

The room presented itself as cold and dark, yet when you looked closer there were so many treasures to behold.

* * *

“Lucifer, where is Catalina?” Gabriel asked.

He had been gone all day so I was surprised to see him home this late. After the incident in the library, Catalina still hadn’t emerged from her room. That was eight hours ago.

“I’m not a zoo keeper Gabriel, how should I know where your rambunctious friend is?” I responded as I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself another drink. Gabriel turned to speak, A hint of concern flashing in his eyes,

“Relax, she’s in her room.”

“Everything went okay today?” Gabriel asked and I could hear the slight hint of concern in his voice but I smirked and told him,

“Everything is fine, she was just upset when she found me in the library.”

Gabriel snorted,

“Something funny brother?” Gabriel laughed as he grabbed a drink out of the fridge.

“Just surprised that she let you leave the library alive.”