Page 227 of Lead Us To Temptation

Micheal did not know this place as well as Lucifer did so theoretically he should still be in the area.

“He’s smart enough to know not to try to go home first or anywhere where I’ll be able to sense him, So any holy place is off the table. My best guess is he’s lying low somewhere or he’s still in these woods somewhere.”

Lying low would be his best option but I knew my brother. He’d slip up. Eventually and when he did, we’d be there. Ready.

“We’ll find him.” The small delicate female responded,

“Yes, we will.”

We walked in silence for a few brief moments. I welcomed the silence. I could go through every possible idea and plan in my head without having to worry about her voice intruding on my thoughts. Silence was good for me. Silence helped me focus.

“Did you and your brothers have any idea about Micheal?”


I stumbled over a large tree limb jutting up from the ground,

“Unfortunately not and I wish we had.”

So many things could have been prevented. So many lives could have been altered.

“Do you think Lucifer will forgive you and your brothers?”

She has so many questions today.

“Perhaps, if this new woman of his can convince him.”

“Catalina.” She hissed

“I beg your pardon?”

She shook her head at me, visibly annoyed

“Her name is Catalina and you should be more respectful.”

“My apologies,” I nodded towards her as we continued in awkward silence for a few moments. It was a habit of mine. I never cared to learn anyone’s name. Not after what happened. Learning their names implied that I cared, and I knew better than that.

“My brother does seem rather infatuated with her.”

I spared a glance at Forseti and could see her pale cheeks turn a light shade of pink,

“Yes he is,” she smirked up at me,

“Tell me, how much do you know about their relationship?”

I pushed a large branch out of the way and allowed Forseti to go ahead of me,

“I know that he loves her very much and she loves him.”

Love. Such a strange thing it was.

“Let me guess, she fell first?”

She giggled,

“Nope, Lucifer did, way sooner than he probably ever will admit to anyone.”
