Page 228 of Lead Us To Temptation

“Please elaborate.” I nodded towards her, still keeping an eye out around us.

“Hey it’s their business but between you and me,” she stopped and motioned for me to come closer,

“I think he knew the moment he saw her. When he was telling me his version of his fall, Catalina had asked if he faked any feelings for her and he replied no. I saw his memories and very vividly he remembered the first time they met.” she stopped and smiled,

“He was drawn to her. He didn’t know why but he enjoyed being around her.”

I bet he did.

“They waited a long time for each other, I just hope Micheal doesn’t ruin that for them.”

He won’t, I’ll make sure of it.

“Have you ever been in love?”

The question rolled out of me before I could stop it.

“No, but maybe one day I will get to experience it.”

She glanced up at me,

“How about you?”

“What about me?”

“Have you ever been in love?”

“Once, A very long time ago.”

I wouldn’t think of her now. I spent so many years keeping those memories in the back of my mind and I wasn’t going to bring them back now. Those memories wouldn’t change anything.

“We should split up and cover more ground it’ll be easier to track-”

“Please tell me you see that as well?”

Forseti asked as we both looked over and saw black smoke beginning to paint over the sky.


I said as we began to rush towards the smoke. As we drew closer and closer I could feel the heat of a large burning fire, the clouds of smoke grew darker and darker making it almost impossible to see.

“What the fuck caused all this?” Forseti asked in between coughing fits,

I raised my hand and focused on clearing the smoke and putting the fire out to see what was before us.

“Oh shit.”

She whispered, finally seeing what was before us. The house. Catalina’s house. Burned to the ground.

“I don’t sense anything so no one was hurt. The house must be empty.” I said drawing closer to a patch in the grass in front of the burned home that was still on fire.

“Is that-”

“It is.”

I glanced over at the words as they began to turn to ash on the ground.

“What does it say?”