“Nothing but slight awkward conversation,” I said as Catalina abruptly stood up,

“I’m tired, I’ll see you in the morning, Gabriel.”

She began to walk away as Gabriel looked towards me. Only when we heard the slam of a door did he speak.

“Awkward conversation my ass,” Gabriel said as he began to stand up, I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back down to his seat.

“Leave the girl for the night brother.”

Gabriel stared at me for a moment and I could tell he was angry with me but he listened anyway.

We finished the rest of our meal in silence but every so often I caught Gabriel glancing at the hallway where she wandered off. He knew she was angry and I knew he wanted to help but right now he can’t. Not while she was in this destructive mindset. The girl was a danger to herself and Gabriel. If he went and followed her to her room right now, she would lash out in anger. I could see it in her eyes. There was so much anger there. Or maybe it was hatred. Either way, both of those emotions were deadly. The girl was practically a ticking time bomb. She was bound to explode sooner or later.

* * *

Eventually, Gabriel made his way outside on his balcony. I followed, softly shutting the door behind me.

“Some friend you have there brother,” I said before taking a long drink from my glass. I truly didn’t understand how Gabriel could call this girl a friend. Just from the few brief moments I was in her presence, I could tell what she was like. Where there was kindness within Gabriel, there was anger within her. Where Gabriel was selfless, she was selfish.

“She is just going through a difficult time right now.” Gabriel sighed,

“She is self-absorbed and reckless, rude and quite frankly a piece of work. Truly Gabriel I don’t understand how you even consider her a friend.”

Gabriel’s chest puffed and his voice slightly deepened,

“You would do well to remember that not everyone is as they seem.”

You’re not wrong.

“Has she always had that orange in her eyes?”

Gabriel looked at me with curiosity in his eyes as he answered,

“Yeah, her family has a history of Iron deficiency. It’s weird though everyone else in her family has low iron but she has higher levels of Iron. Why do you ask?”

I shrugged it off

“I was simply curious.” Short, simple, and to the point. It was the truth after all. I hadn’t encountered anyone with orange hues in their eyes so seeing her eyes naturally left me a little on the curious side.

“You know she might be past saving Gabriel,” I told him. Some people couldn’t come back if they were too far gone and I feared his friend just might be.

“She is not too far gone. Help me save her Lucifer.”

I could see the pain and longing in his eyes. He so badly wanted to help the girl who was somehow important to him. He truly did care for her and he would do anything to help her.

“Why should I?”

I just needed one good reason from him.

“The things that girl has survived,” Gabriel chuckled as tears clouded his eyes yet he continued,

“She should’ve died a long time ago. The things she has been through are damning enough. Yet, she is still here. A part of her is still fighting,”

Gabriel turned to face me, his posture stiffening and voice tight with restrain,

“She deserves a chance to be happy, a chance to finally be able to live and I fully intend to make sure she gets it.”

Not everyone gets a happy ending Gabriel.