She stood up and made her way to the floor-to-ceiling glass door, opened the door, and stepped outside, glancing over the balcony,

“Checking to see how high the drop is, to see if it’s worth it.” I walked up behind her, slamming the door shut behind me,

“Look I am only here as a favor to Gabriel. Trust me when I say I would rather pluck each feather off of my wings than be out here with someone like you.”

She pointed to the front door, her eyes never leaving mine.

“Then go. There’s the door.”

How could Gabriel possibly be friends with someone like this?

“I will go when Gabriel tells me to go.”

Catalina crossed her arms, her eyes filled with every ounce of defiance she could conjure up.

“Look, we don’t need you here so you can go,” She smirked at me,

“You’re dismissed.”

I’d like to dismiss you off the top of this balcony!

“My brother is trying to help you! For some odd reason that I cannot fathom he sees you as a friend. I’ll have to insist he gets his eyes checked because anyone with two working eyes and half a brain cell can see that you are a selfish, spiteful, malicious, Ill-natured poison.”

She said nothing but I could see her tiny fists balled up at her side.

“You are just another girl who cares about no one but herself and you do not deserve my brother’s friendship.”

“You know nothing about me.” Her voice strained as if she was holding back,

“I know enough from what Gabriel has told me. Drinking and fucking your way into oblivion. You may do as you please but you will not take my brother down with you.”

She would. Gabriel was fiercely loyal and I knew my brother. He would follow this girl anywhere and try his best to keep her safe and she would just put herself in harm’s way over and over again. Not caring how she’s hurting Gabriel. Not to mention the amount of people Gabriel would hurt to keep her safe. I knew my brother. I knew he hated hurting people and it ate him alive every time he did. Gabriel was never meant for killing fields like my brothers and I. Gabriel would always mourn the loss of those he hurt or killed. Eventually, he stopped fighting. Claiming he would not be responsible for taking someone away from another.

“Now are you going to listen and accept our help or not?” I asked her.

“Fuck off,” she smirked as she made her way to the door,

“Bastard.” She whispered under her breath

“Bitch.” I whispered back to her.

She spun back to face me, the orange in her eyes slightly taking over.

Don’t like that word so much do you?

I gestured to the door,

“Get inside or the cold will kill you before I have the chance to.”

Reluctantly she made her way back into the living room and sat down on the couch.

Gabriel, what have you gotten me into?

* * *

Twenty Minutes later Gabriel finally decided to return. Catalina had remained deathly quiet. I suppose it’s a good thing. As long as she was quiet the chances of her saying something rather stupid are slim.

“Did something happen while I was gone?” Gabriel asked as he glanced toward Catalina. I shook my head,