“You are my brother and I was worried about you. I still worry about you. I worry about all of you.” Even though what he did was unacceptable, Lucifer was still my brother. He was still my family and I couldn’t just leave him with no one. Lucifer looked up at the evening sky for a moment and closed his eyes.

“Please just meet them and then make your decision.”

Maybe if he saw how she was it would convince him to help. Lucifer looked back at me and I could tell he was already annoyed,

“I am not the helping type Gabriel.” He said as he proceeded to get off the bench

“Brother please!” I reached over and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back down,

“They have no one else and I cannot lose them.”

I said as I began to feel the tears gathering in my eyes. I had already lost my brother. I would not lose my friend as well.

“You care about this person don’t you?” Lucifer asked, taking his seat back on the bench, nodding my head.

Lucifer sighed,

“Fine, I will help as repayment to you for visiting me all these years.”

Relief filled my chest as I hugged my brother.

“Gabriel let go of me before I snap you in half.”

I chuckled as I released him and patted him on the back. Lucifer hated showing affection of any kind but I didn’t care. He was going to help and that was worthy of a hug.

“Thank you, brother, I appreciate this.”

I said as we both stood and made my way to my car.

“How bad can it be?” Lucifer said sarcastically as he opened the passenger side door and headed inside.

Oh brother you have no idea.

* * *

“You’ve got a nice place here Gabriel,” Lucifer said as he stepped out of the car and took a look around.

“Thanks, I built it myself.”

It took forever to get it right but it was everything I had ever wanted in a house. I glanced up at the magnificent pearl-white two-story home with exactly eight marble steps leading up to the frosted glass door.

“You’ve gotten handy over the years it seems.” I shrugged my shoulders following Lucifer up the stairs and unlocking the door.

“Yeah well, I had to do something while waiting for you to calm down. Those first few years after you fell were rough.”

Walking in everything seemed to be the way I left it. I watched as Lucifer slowly took in the surroundings of my home. From the dark gray floors that complemented the wide floor-to-ceiling windows throughout the living room filled with the matching gray furniture set I had purchased, the mounted 75-inch flat-screen TV, and the all-white marble fireplace, To the beautiful patio that has lots of different plants and seating options. Lucifer’s gaze wandered to the kitchen as he took in the white marble island big enough to fit six people the all-white cabinetry with frosted glass, and all stainless steel appliances throughout.

“Still have an eye for the basics I see,” Lucifer smirked,

“You say basic, I say neutral.” I shrugged and placed my keys back on the hook.

“Neutral, basic, it means the same.”

Glad to see you’re still the same brother

“So what time will your friend be arriving?” Lucifer asked as he finally turned to me.

“Yeah about that, they already-”