This is a very bad idea.

But there was no way I was going to let my friend, who I considered more like a sister to me, ruin her life. I saw the signs but I chose to try and let her heal herself first. Nothing changed. I thought maybe seeing that therapist would help her, instead, he made her worse and I helped him. I sent her to him. She wouldn’t trust anyone now. Her mother found her because I refused to put a stop to this behavior. This was my fault but now I had a chance to fix it. To help her.

If he ever shows up.

I glanced down at my watch again. 4:45 PM.

If I didn’t get home soon Catalina was going to get suspicious. The girl might be drunk most days but she was smart, she knew it only took about an hour to get pizza from our favorite place.

“Where the fuck are you?” I whispered to myself. If he wasn’t here in the next five minutes I was going to have to come up with another plan to help Catalina because no matter what I was going to help her. She needed the help and frankly, she deserved it. She had already been through so much and I’d be damned if I let this destructive cycle repeat itself and bring her down.

The cold tap on my shoulder pulled me from my thoughts and I Instantly flinched.

“Dammit, you scared the shit outta me,” I said as I clutched my chest.

“Well, I am naturally terrifying.”

He took a seat next to me on the bench.

“Good to see you again brother.”

“It’s good to see you too Lucifer.”


Chapter 4

Gabriel’s POV

He looked the same as he always had. His dark brown almond eyes and short wavy black hair. He was a bit tanner than me so he stuck out more with his golden bronzed skin and the dark tattoos that decorated his hands, chest, and arms stood out and enhanced the aura that commanded attention. Lucifer was right. He was naturally terrifying.

“Look, I asked you to meet me because I need your help with something.” Lucifer easily began to tense up.

“I have this friend who is slowly killing herself. Drinking, partying, hanging out with the wrong kind of people and I need you to help me help them.”

Lucifer looked at me and I could see the questions in his eyes.

“Does your friend not want your help?”

“I don’t think I can help them myself. They are acting a little how you did when you-”

“When I fell, Yes I remember. And you believe I can help your friend?”

“Brother you were in a very dark place when you fell and I fear my friend is headed down that same path only this time It will kill them and I cannot watch my friend die.”

We remained silent for a few brief moments and I thought back to how he acted when he first fell.

He was destroying everything in sight, bedding multiple females and fighting anyone who got in his way. He had destroyed himself and it had taken nearly 400 years to clean up his act but Catalina didn’t have 400 years and I feared if she repeated the cycle, it would be the last thing she ever did.

“You lost everything when you fell and it turned your life upside down. This friend has lost everything and now they can’t trust anyone and I can’t pretend to know what that is like.” As much as I wanted to help Catalina I couldn’t pretend to even begin to understand what was going on inside her head. But he could. He would know exactly how she was feeling.

Lucifer glanced down at his folded hands and I could see his hands getting red from how hard he was crushing them together. Lucifer was not a fan of anyone. He always preferred to be alone even before he fell. His fall didn’t change that and I had a feeling he intended to be alone forevermore.

“Please, brother. I would not ask if it wasn’t serious.”

It was a risk. I knew that when I asked him to meet me here but he was the only one who could talk some kind of sense into her and may be able to help her.

“You are the only one of our brothers that has visited me in the eons that I have been gone. Why?”