“She told you to leave her alone dumbfuck!” Catalina shouted at the man, giving him a slight push,

“And I told you to mind your damn business bitch.” The man seethed at her as waved to the girl huddled between two other girls,

“Let’s go Delancy, NOW!”

The girl, Delancy hesitated all for one second before Catalina faced her,

“Do you want to go with him?” Catalina asked,

Delancy shook her head. She did not want to leave with him and knowing Catalina, she would do whatever she could to keep him from her.

“I don’t give a damn what you want! You are MY girlfriend and If I say we’re leaving then we are fucking leaving!” The man tried to brush past Catalina, but she jerked him back before he could get any closer to Delancy.

“Put your hands on me again bitch and see what fucking happens.”

Catalina’s lips tilted up into a cruel smile and started laughing as the girl closest to her slipped her a bottle.

Well shit, here she goes.

“Why the fuck are you laughing? Crazy Bitch.”

Catalina’s smile grew wider as she took the bottle the one girl behind her had slipped her and brought it down on the man’s head. The glass broke and shattered into millions of pieces, cutting the man’s head as dark brown liquor seethed into the fresh open wounds. The man stumbled just for a second before looking up at Catalina. Complete and utter rage filled his eyes while Catalina held his stare, that same menacing smile bright as ever on her face. There was no fear in her eyes. Catalina had never feared men. She wasn’t scared. She was angry. Only an idiot would think the smile on her face was from a happy emotion. The smile written on her face was one that most monsters of the world would have nightmares about. The man stepped forward but Catalina did not back down as her left hand fisted the collar of his shirt, bringing him down to her eye level, his eyes slightly widening at her before her right fist connected with his face. The man turned and stumbled back but Catalina was quick as she grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him back over to the table. There was not a single person who wasn’t watching as she banged his head over and over and over and over again onto the table. The wounds on his head opened more and more, blood exploding out of his head as she rammed it against the hard metal table. Blood leaked all over his face, down his neck

“Catalina, that’s enough!” I yelled, hoping to get through to her yet she continued pounding his head onto the table,

“CATALINA!” I screamed as I reached over and gently tugged her back by her shoulder. Instantly she tensed at my touch, as she slowly turned to face me.

“It’s time to go home,” I whispered to her as she took a look around. Everyone was staring at her and the bloody mess of a man beneath her.

“He’s already unconscious, let’s go,” I whispered to her again as I let go of her shoulder and held out my hand, hoping she would take it. Instead, she pushed the giant bloody mess and he landed on his back, a soft groan escaping his lips as Catalina stepped over him, grabbing Delancy’s hand and walking out of the bar.

Well, this is going to be a long night.

* * *

“Well Delancy is on her way to her new apartment and security will be with her for the next few weeks.”

Catalina nodded from her spot on the couch. She had been quiet since we got home. In the car, she had only told me that we needed to find Delancy a safe space to go and for someone to look out for her. I called in a few favors and managed to get Delancy a new apartment about twenty minutes away from the old one that she shared with her boyfriend, and managed to secure a small security team to keep her safe just in case her asshole, of what I hope was a soon to be ex, showed up.

“Do you wanna talk about what happened at the bar?” I asked as I casually took a seat beside her,

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“You nearly beat a man to death today Catalina-”

“And I’d do it again!”

“I know you would but you can’t just beat people up all the time!”

“He deserved it!” She sneered


Delancy had disclosed to Catalina exactly how much of an asshole her boyfriend really was and quite frankly, I should have let Catalina get a few more blows in.

“Why do you think it’s okay to go around hitting people when there are other ways to solve your problems?”

“You’re making it sound as if you’re okay with what he did!”