“How did you even know-”

“Don’t worry about how I knew this and instead worry about the people you’re fucking around with.”

“Do not speak to me as if I am a child!”

“HE COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!” Gabriel yelled, rage pouring out of him.

“You are acting just like-” Gabriel stopped as he turned from me, brushing a hand through his hair.

“This ends now. The sleeping around, The drinking, meeting men that will fucking kill you.”

I tore my gaze back to the window and watched as the leaves fell.

“I am getting you help whether you like it or not.”

“I don’t need help.”

“YES THE FUCK YOU DO!” Gabriel rushed to me and took my face between his hands,

“I refuse to lose you. You are fading away and I will do whatever it takes to bring you back.”

* * *

Gabriel’s POV

Where the hell is she?

Catalina had promised that she would be home before two and considering it was almost four in the morning I was starting to worry. Again. This wasn’t like her. This wasn’t who she was or who she used to be. I knew she was going through some things. She tended to lash out in anger when she was upset and I was ready for it. I was ready for the screaming matches, silent treatments, and for her to throw things and her common threats. Yet I didn’t expect this. The drinking, The partying, All the guys she had around. It wasn’t her. In the beginning, I’ll admit I didn’t pay it much attention. Catalina had set herself free from her family and she was finally able to do things she never got to do and explore the endless possibilities waiting for her. I wanted to be supportive, to be there for her to see all she could do but not like this. I wouldn’t help her destroy herself more. I still wanted her to experience life and do whatever made her happy but dammit I also wanted her to be safe about it and right now? It seemed like she didn’t care enough about whether something was safe, just so long as she had a good time. I should’ve gone with her tonight. To make sure she returned home sober and safe.

Fuck it.

I reached over and grabbed my keys off the table and headed for the front door. The sound of my phone ringing stopped me dead in my tracks.

Unknown Caller.

I sat back down at the kitchen island and answered the call, placing whoever was on the line on speaker,

“Hey is this Gabriel?”

“That depends on who’s asking?”

“It’s Dominick from TapHouse, look is there any way you could come get Catalina?”

Dominick was the owner and lead bartender for TapHouse, one of Catalina and I’s favorite bars to go to. Catalina had gone there a few times by herself and I never got a call from him to pick her up. For him to call… it had to be bad.

“Is she alright?” I asked before once again picking up my keys and heading towards the door.

“She’s fine for now but if you don’t come get her I have a feeling a few customers might lose body parts.”

Fucking hell!

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I didn’t wait for him to say anything before hanging up.

* * *

I made it to the bar in five minutes. Did I care about the four red lights I ran? No. Did I care about the two cops I had to bribe to let me off the hook? No. Did I care that Catalina was standing face to face with a man that was pushing 6’3 and looked as if he was ready to kick her ass? Yes, yes I did.

A small crowd had gathered around the table, mostly women. Two of them stood behind Catalina, a smaller girl between them. She looked as if she had been crying as the other two girls held her,