She smiled at me again briefly before turning around and heading back towards her room,

“So am I.” She whispered ever so slightly that I almost didn’t hear her.

“9 AM tomorrow and wear something appropriate.”

She turned back to face me,

“Very well Lucifer, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Within seconds she disappeared into the hallway. It was so damn quiet I could hear the faint click of her door closing.

What the actual hell is wrong with me?

I didn’t know why Catalina and I made that deal but at that moment I wanted to know more about her. Why did she think she could turn into a monster? Who else had hurt her? The more I thought about the possibility of her being hurt and having to defend herself that angry hateful feeling in my chest emerged. But why?

Why was I getting so enraged about things her mother had done to her? Why did I want to know more about her? Why was she constantly in my head?

Because she intrigues you dumb ass!

I didn’t have time to entertain these thoughts I had to focus on tomorrow. I reached into my pocket and sent a quick text to Gabriel.

Training tomorrow @ 9 AM. Me, you and Catalina. Don’t be late!

I poured myself another drink as Gabriel instantly messaged back,

How the hell did you convince her to get up that early?

I took a long sip of my drink before responding,

Don’t worry about it. I think this will be good for her though.

This could be good for her. This could be the outlet she needed to stop the reckless behavior. This could be the thing that saved her. The thing that could help her understand that she was no monster.

This could be good for her and I’d make sure to be there every step of the way. For as long as I could.


Chapter 9

Lucifer’s POV

“Are you sure she’s coming?” Gabriel asked as he began his endless annoying pacing back and forth.

“She’ll be here, just relax and finish stretching or you’ll pull something later.” Gabriel released a breath and walked back towards me.

“I’m surprised she made that deal with you if I’m being honest,” I smirked back at him,

A deal with the devil, what could go wrong?

“Why are you so surprised brother?” Gabriel shrugged as he continued to stretch,

“Catalina usually likes to keep to herself, so opening up, especially about her past, is difficult for her.”

“She mentioned the accident in which she was injured a few years ago when you both met,”

Gabriel stopped and looked at me,

“She said she only had a few broken bones but I have a feeling it was more than that?”