Gabriel tensed, his fists clenched tightly at his side

“How badly was she injured Gabriel?”

For some reason, neither of them wanted to talk about the incident. It was as if they wanted to paint over it, to forget it even happened. But why?

“What happened that day is none of your business.”

I stared back at him,

“Very well then answer me this, How bad was the abuse she went through?”

Gabriel’s gaze slightly softened as he sat down,

“I saw the scars on her back, Gabriel. Do you want me to help her? Then be honest with me about her.”

Gabriel remained silent for a moment, staring at his hands as he clutched them together.

“What she went through almost broke her. At one point she had considered.. alternative solutions,” I could feel my fists clench at my sides, and slowly that anger in my chest began to rise again.

“It made her stronger though.” That was honestly one of the worst things I could say by the look on Gabriel’s face.

“She was a child Lucifer! She didn’t need to be strong, she needed to be safe. She needed to be protected, cared for, and loved! she-”

The sound of the back door opening caused us both to look up and see Catalina walking down the steps towards us. I glanced at Gabriel as he struggled to pull himself together.

“You kept her safe for years, let me help you keep her alive.”

Gabriel nodded as I offered a hand to help him up just as Catalina finally joined us.

“So what’s the first order of business?”

I smirked at her as I took in her attire. Her all-black, fitted workout attire. The outfit hugged her curves in every right way. Accentuating the dips at her full hips as the ends of her dark hair draped over her shoulder, the rest of her hair high up in a ponytail. She looked ready. She looked powerful.

“First things first is learning to control your emotions so you can control your fire.”

Catalina looked at me as if I had grown three heads.

“It makes sense to start with your emotions since that will take longer to learn to control,” Gabriel explained to Catalina as she stared at him. The irritation flared in her eyes before she glanced at me, her eyes meeting mine briefly before she turned back to Gabriel.

“Are you two insinuating that I am emotional?”


I smirked at her as she rolled her eyes, crossed her arms, and murmured under her breath,


“Assholes we might be, but learning to keep your emotions in check will help you from reaching for your gift in troublesome situations.”

“I guess that makes sense.”

Catalina’s soft green eyes found mine once again,

“You lose control when you are angry, so we’re going to need you to get very angry.”


“Simple you get angry and we work on techniques that will help you calm down so that you control that anger and don’t lose control.”