Page 104 of Lead Us To Temptation

“I’m sorry brother but you were the one constantly leaving us alone together,”

During those first few weeks, Gabriel had been occupied with whatever he was doing and had left Catalina and me alone. We couldn’t stand each other back then but being forced to interact day after day, drew us closer together.

“I promised you that I would help her and that is what I was doing and still am!”

“You were supposed to help her find an outlet and then leave! That was your task!”

“And now my task has changed!”

In the beginning, I wanted nothing more than to find her an outlet and leave. I thought I would be here for maybe a month at most and then I’d be free. Then I learned about her, what she had been through, and why she was so angry. She intrigued me. My task before was simple, find the girl an outlet for her problems. But now, my task was to make sure she was happy and to make sure no one and nothing would harm her ever again.

“Is that all she is to you? Just some task you can accomplish! another notch in your belt?”

“You have no idea what she is to me brother,” I leaned closer to him,

“And I would be very careful about what you say next.”

I loved my brother. I really did but he was already on thin ice from last night, and if he even said one remotely demeaning thing, I would gladly enjoy ripping each feather off his fucking wings.

“What is she to you exactly then brother?”

“SHE IS MY-” I stopped myself,

What was she to me?

Gabriel chuckled,

“Can’t answer me can you?”

“Watch your mouth brother.”

“Watch your back Lucifer.”

“Are you threatening me?” I took a single step towards Gabriel, and he did not back down nor did he respond as he stretched out his wings and took off.

* * *

Catalina’s POV

3 Days Later

I know it’s been said before and will probably be said until the end of time but, boys are weird. Three days had passed and Lucifer and Gabriel still had not spoken to each other. Even Gabriel had begun to ignore my texts and calls. I didn’t know what had happened but it was thoroughly starting to annoy me. I headed out into the city to clear my head about the whole situation. I kept replaying everything that had happened that night. How Gabriel had picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder, then slightly burning his back and him dropping me on the floor and Lucifer stepping in.


I missed him. I missed Gabriel too but Lucifer was different. He and I had gotten closer over the past few months. It was easier to talk to him. It was easier to open up to him and for some reason talking to him and being around him put me at ease. It was like Lucifer understood everything.

Because he did.

Lucifer knew what it had felt like to be the odd sibling. He knew what it felt like to have people judge you for one thing and to have people only see you for that one action. He understood what it felt like to lose a family.

For so long I had only had Gabriel and I loved Gabriel but there were just things he would never understand. Lucifer was my friend and it felt good to have another friend. It felt good to have someone understand why I was always so angry. It felt good to have another person in my corner.

“You would be the one to bring a book with you to a bar.”

As if my mind had summoned him, I turned and saw Lucifer standing behind me. I couldn’t stop the smile that emerged from my face.

“How did you know I was here?”