“I know what he was doing.” Gabriel raised his voice just a bit as he pried my hand off Catalina’s. His eyes remained cold as he briefly glared at me. A warning to stay away.
“Why don’t you two practice for a bit while I refill everyone’s water.” I bent down to pick up her hot pink bottle and my matte black one as Gabriel spoke,
“Yeah, you do that.” He turned his back to me as I caught Catalina’s eyes for just a second. There was so much hesitation in that one look as if she was unsure of what to do. I nodded my head to her before she focused her gaze back on Gabriel, positioning herself in the correct stance. She tilted her lips into a decadent smile that was anything but sweet. Her eyes darkened as her fist collided with Gabriel’s face causing him to stumble back.
* * *
“You’re getting better, soon you won’t have to resort to going for the low blows,” Gabriel said to Catalina. He seemed to have calmed down a bit but he could’ve just gotten his aggression out during training. Then again Gabriel was different when he was with her.
Catalina laughed as she and Gabriel wiped down their daggers.
“Low blows are still fair game.”
He was right though. She was improving and it was fascinating to watch. The way she wielded her dagger, every turn, every thrust, it had meaning now. She wasn’t just aiming to hurt. Each move had a purpose. It was beautiful yet I couldn’t shake the memory of what happened yesterday. The way Gabriel just picked her up like she was nothing but air. She was going to have to be trained to disarm others.
“I think we should work on self-defense and disarming techniques today as well.”
I watched as Gabriel turned his head and glared at me,
“I have a better idea.” Catalina stood up, taking Gabriel’s keys from the ground.
“Neither one of you is getting back in the house until you sort this issue out.”
“There is no issue-” She placed her finger on my lips, cutting me off.
“Don’t insult me by lying. You know me well enough to know I don’t like liars.”
Gabriel chuckled as she tossed the keys in her bag and removed her finger from my lips.
“Try not to kill each other.”
Gabriel sighed as he pulled out a spare set of keys from his pocket. Dangling it in front of her.
“Very well, then until you two sort out your shit then I’m leaving.”
“Catalina I don’t think-” Gabriel began to say but Catalina cut him off,
“Look something is going on between you two and now my training is suffering for it. So until things get better I’m leaving.”
She was right. Gabriel and I had been hostile to each other all morning and afternoon. Sure we didn’t say much to each other but the heated glares and sly comments were pretty obvious.
“Call me when you two sort your shit out.” She called out as she turned away from us and began to walk towards the house.
“CATALINA!” Gabriel yelled out. She ignored him and continued to strut towards the house. Slamming the door shut behind her.
Gabriel turned towards me, a heated anger resting in his gaze,
“Are you happy now?” Gabriel asked
“How is this my fault?!”
“If you had just kept your damn distance none of this would be happening.”
Is he being serious right now?