Page 72 of Dirty Lawyer

She frowns. “Why is this relevant?”

The prosecutor interjects, “Objection. She’s right. Why is this relevant?”

I look to Judge Moore, who is sixty, with a lifetime in the court, but he’s tough, and not always fair. “I’m on a path, judge. I’m getting there.”

“Get there quickly,” he states, looking at Kelli. “Answer the question.”

I nod. “What do you do now, Mrs. Ward?”

“I run our household,” she states. “My husband is a busy man. I look out for him.”

“In other words, your life is about your husband. You live for him.”

“Objection,” Dan shouts. “Leading, and again, where is this going?”

“I’ll move on,” I say. “As a secretary, would you say that a secretary knows the innermost workings of a busy man?”

“Yes. I would.”

“Including Geneva Marks, your husband’s secretary?”

“Yes. Including her.”

“Did you know Jennifer Wright?”



“My husband saw her crying at a coffee shop he frequents. She worked there. He started talking to her daily for a few weeks. When she finally opened up about her situation, he talked to me, and asked my input. That’s when I suggested a better-paying job would work wonders for her, and I just happened to know about a friend looking for a nanny.”

“And that friend can confirm the interview was set up?”

“She can, yes.”

“Please state her name for the courtroom records.”

“Carrie Matthews.”

I look at the judge as Richard moves forward. “Entering into the record a statement from Carrie Matthews confirming this information.”

Once that is complete, I move on and return to the prior topic. “Have you ever fought with your husband in his office?”

“Yes. Couples fight.”

“Have you ever fought over Jennifer?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Did you ever fight about this investigation in his office?”


“What about it?”

“Random things. I don’t remember.”

“Did Jennifer Wright call your husband’s phone the night she’s believed to have been murdered?”