“Yes,” she states.
“Did you have an argument about that call in your husband’s office, within hearing range of his secretary?”
She stares at me. “I think we might have.”
“Was Geneva Marks at her desk at the time?”
“Yes. I believe she was.”
“Why did you argue?”
She shifts in her chair. “Does it matter?”
“Answer the question, Mrs. Ward,” the judge orders.
“I wanted to tell the police that I took that call, but he didn’t want me to,” she says, contradicting what Geneva told us.
There is rumbling in the courtroom, and, of course, assumed guilt placed on my client. But I’m not done. “But you did not.”
“Why?” I press.
“He felt it would drag me into this,” she says. “More so than I already have been.”
“Based on that argument that was witnessed by your husband’s secretary, who took the call?”
“Me. I took the call.”
There is another rumbling of voices in the courtroom and the judge calls the court to order, and then looks at me. “Continue.”
“How did you go about answering your husband’s phone?”
“I was reading in bed and he was asleep and I didn’t want to wake him up,” she says. “I grabbed the call and went to the other room.”
“How long was the call?”
“An hour or so. It was a lengthy conversation,” she confirms. “But she needed to talk.”
“Did your husband talk to her?”
“Was your husband aware that you were talking to her?” I ask.
“Not until I’d been on the call with her for a while.”
“Why did you take the call at all?”
“I knew Jennifer wanted to know about a job interview I mentioned and how it went. She was working late that night.”
“Why did she call your husband and not you?”
“Her mother was very judgmental of her pregnancy. I think that made her more comfortable with men than women. But we were working on that.”
“In that conversation with Jennifer, what else did you talk about?”
“She had a lot of problems with the father of her child. We talked about him.”