Page 131 of Dirty Lawyer

“Fine as in good, bad, indifferent?”

“The way he got along with everyone.”

“Which is how?” the prosecutor presses.

“Badly. He got along with everyone badly.”

“Including his daughter?”

“Yes,” she confirms.

“Did you see Dana the day of the murder?”

“Yes,” she says.

“She saw her father that day?”


“Did they fight?”

“They always fought.”

“Do you know what they were fighting about that day?”

“He wanted her to go meet with someone she didn’t want to meet,” she says.


“Some Prince from another country. He wanted them to date. Something about a business deal it would help make go through. That’s all I heard.”

And there it is, I think. Another reason for the boyfriend to kill the father.

The questioning goes on for another fifteen minutes before the prosecutor rests with the reserved right to recall the witness. Reese stands up and approaches Martina. “Hi, Martina.”

“Hi,” she says, softening with his greeting. God, he’s good. He’s so charming and she’s melting under the force of his attention.

“How many people did you hear fight with Mr. Warren over the years?”


“How many in the past year?” Reese asks.

“At least twenty,” she says.

“In person?”

“A few. Often by way of the phone.”

“How many have you heard threaten to kill him or wish him dead?”

She considers a moment. “Six or seven.”

“How many in the last year?”


“Was Dana one of the two?”