“Please tell us who those two people were.”
“Gerome Nichols and Sara Newton.”
“Who are they?”
“Gerome is a business acquaintance and Sara was seeing Mr. Warren up until a month ago.”
“You said Dana got along with her father about as well as he got along with anyone. Explain, please.”
“Mr. Warren was mean. He was really mean. He hated people.”
“And yet you stayed why?”
“He paid me three times what anyone else would.”
“So he was mean but generous?”
“I never considered him generous,” she says. “He used money to bribe us all. It was a tool for control.”
“Did he use his money against Dana?”
“He tried and she’s done well at the real estate firm she opened. She’s selling to the rich and famous.”
Which makes Dana look obsessed with money, I think.
“She’s making pennies to her father’s billions,” Reese points out.
“But she’s making it on her own. She told him that. I heard her many times.”
“Objection,” Wicker shouts out. “Hearsay.”
“Mr. Warren isn’t here to tell his story,” Reese says.
“Then save it for your client,” Wicker snaps. “Put her on the stand.”
Reese moves on. “Did you see Dana at the house the evening of the murder?”
“No. She left around eleven am.”
“And you found the body when?”
“Seven pm.”
Reese considers her a moment. “You practically raised Dana?”
“I did. I was there for her.”
“You protected her.”
“I did.”
“Do you think Dana killed her father?”
I blanch. This could go so wrong. I can’t believe he went there.
“No,” Martina replies. “Dana didn’t do this. I would bet my life on it.”