Page 79 of Forever With You

His face tensed as he leaned over, putting a hand on my bent knee as he looked away. I saw one side of his mouth curve up. “It can’t be that bad.”

“Oh. It was.” My eyes widened. “Imagine what a clay potato head looks like. You got that image in your head?”

Nick closed his eyes and cleared his throat. “Yeah.”

“Okay. Now imagine that getting all squishy, like it’s melting. And then it filling out—­like remember when you were a kid and you’d put your hands on either side of your face and then smashed your cheeks in?”

He blinked several times as he looked at me. “Nah, I think I need a demo.”

Dropping the pillow, I placed my hands on my cheeks and pushed forward while puckering my lips. Nick’s eyes widened, and then he tipped his head back, laughing deeply. I lowered my hands. “It’s not funny. Not funny at all.”

“God.” He chuckled.

“And then the eyes like come from where the ears should be.” I shook my head. “How is that even possible? I don’t even want to know, to be honest. And you don’t even want to know what happens to a woman’s body when they give birth.” I shuddered. “I need an adult.”

“You need to stop watching those videos.” Moving my leg to the side, he scooted closer and then reached over. Placing his hands on my hips, he tugged me over, and I went, ending up in his lap, straddling his thighs. “And I think you need a better distraction.”

I placed my hands on his chest. “I need a brain scrub.”

His hands slid from my hips to cup my rear. “Did you do any research on hormones while pregnant?”

My nose wrinkled. “Not really.”

“Well, you know what I’ve always heard?” His hands squeezed as he drew me closer and my fingers slipped up to his shoulders. “That pregnant women have an increased libido.”

I arched a brow.

“It’s true.” He moved in, his lips brushing over the sensitive spot below my ear.

Stretching my neck, I gave him space to roam, and oh, he did, gliding those lips over my pulse. “Do you know what else is true?”

His tongue flicked over my skin, causing me to jerk. “What?” he murmured.

“Some women lactate automatically when they hear babies cry,” I told him. “Even if it’s not your baby. I could be walking in the grocery store and my boobs could just start spraying out milk.”

Nick lowered his forehead to my shoulder, and I felt his body shake.

I dipped my chin, staring at his head. “And the longest pregnancy on record was like a year and ten days—­a year, Nick. A mother freaking year.”

“Steph, baby ...” He lifted his head, smiling. “As much as your freaking out is adorable, you got to stop watching and reading stuff.”

“But I need to read stuff and watch stuff. How else am I going to learn?”

“Generations and generations before us weren’t online on mommy boards or WebMD.” He patted my butt with both hands. “And things worked out.”

I started to point out that I doubted the statistics of childbearing were better back before the invention of the Internet, but Nick kissed me, really kissed me, and when his lips moved over mine like that, there was little room to be thinking about anything else.

The kiss deepened as I slipped my hands up his cheeks, the stubble along his jaw tickling my palms. I tilted my head, drawing him into my mouth. Unbridled lust shot through my veins, and I knew if he was in me right now, I’d be ready.

“You were right,” I said, kissing the corner of his lips, the slight indent above them. I dropped tiny kisses all over his face.

Nick let his head fall back. “You’re going to have to be a little more detailed, because I’m right about a lot of things.”

I laughed as I tasted the skin below his jaw, thrilled by the deep breath he drew in. “About pregnancy hormones. Because I’m pretty horny right now.” I nipped at the space where the neck met his shoulder. “Then again, I’m always horny when I’m around you.”

“It’s my superpower.” He dragged his hands up my sides. “Making girls want to drop their panties.”

Smiling, I rocked back, watching as he lifted his head. His throat worked as his heavy hooded gaze drifted over me. “You should be careful with that superpower.” Reaching down, I tugged the sweatshirt off. “Use it wisely.”