We all groan, and I roll my eyes because he always has the worst fucking suggestions when it comes to road names. It’s become a running joke at this point.

Spark glares at our brother who doesn’t seem bothered in the least. Nero simply shrugs and sits back in his chair with a pleased as fuck look on his face. The fucking idiot.

“Before I open it up, there’s one more matter that needs to be brought to the table.” When Spark looks at Rites and then me, I wonder the fuck he’s talking about. “A claiming.”

I almost fall the fuck out of my chair in surprise, but I catch myself and manage not to make a fool of myself. From the way Rites is smirking at me, he didn’t miss it. I flip him off as we direct our attention back to Spark.

Brimstone has a knowing look in his eyes as he asks, “Who is claiming an old lady?”

“I am,” Spark grunts. When I let out a growl along with Rites, Spark rolls his eyes and reluctantly adds, “Along with Rites and Crucify.”

“That wasn’t so difficult, was it,” Rites taunts our Prez with a grin stretching his mouth so wide that I’m almost a little concerned for my brother.

“Like, all three of you are claiming someone?” I look over at Biker who is smirking before he adds, “Together?”

“Yes,” Spark grits out through his teeth. “We’re claiming Navy as our old lady.”

Clutch, our Sargant at Arms, sounds curious as fuck, “Is that the sexy blond bombshell you had at the clubhouse the other night?”

“It is,” Rites’ voice is cool and aloof. “She’s also the burlesque dancer that performed for Spark’s birthday.”

A few of the men around the table blink a few times like they hadn’t connected those two dots. I almost roll my eyes because the old ladies figured it out in no time at all. Are these men really our brothers?

“Shit,” Monk breathes out, but when I look at him, there’s pride written across his face. “Rebel loved her the other night. She’ll make a great old lady from what she said.”

His words hold a weight to them because we know how much stock he puts into the feelings of his old lady; all the men who clearly heard from their women already nod solemnly in agreement.

Spark barks, “Any objections?”

When the room is quiet, he bangs the gavel, and it’s done. Navy is officially our old lady. As Prez opens up the floor to any issues with the businesses or questions, I zone out. I know I should be paying attention, but the only thing I can think about is getting out of here and seeing our woman.

By the time Church ends, I’m practically frothing at the mouth to get the fuck out of here. I’m not the only one either. When I stand, Spark and Rites are right there with me. We let Spark stride out of the room first, but then we almost get stuck in the doorway as we try to walk through at the same time.

“You might be VP, but I haven’t gotten to spend any alone time with our woman,” I growl at him in warning.

Rites chuckles and steps back before making a sweeping motion toward the door like he’s fucking Vanna White or some shit. I flip him off before striding through the door, heading straight to my bike, and firing it up. I know my brothers will be right behind me, but I’m not going to wait for them.

Hell fucking no.

It takes far too long to get to my woman’s house and when she opens the door with a smile, I step inside her house without an invitation. I’m her man, I sure as fuck don’t need one.

I slam my mouth down onto hers and kiss her like I’ve missed her. Because I have.

It doesn’t take nearly enough time for my brothers to show up and they don’t bother to knock at all before walking in. “I told you he wouldn’t have gotten far,” I hear Rites tease behind me.

When I turn around, I keep my arms wrapped around our woman. She doesn’t try to wiggle away from me and spins in my arms to give my brothers a huge grin.

“Hi,” she breathes out, still panting a little from kissing me.

“We’ve claimed you at the table. It’s official,” Spark doesn’t pull any punches as he blurts his words, but there’s a warmth in his tone that I’ve never really heard before.

He’s looking at her with affection in his eyes as Navy stills. She whispers, “You did?”

I have no doubt the old ladies filled her in on the details. I can tell by the way her mouth is opening and closing that she’s surprised. It’s cute as fuck.

I lean down and whisper against her neck, “Do you know how serious this is?”

“Yes,” she whimpers, her head tilting to the side to give me more access. There’s an edge of sass in her voice, even as she moans the words, “Don’t I get a say in this?”