“No,” Spark grits out through his teeth. “You’re ours.”
Damn fucking right she is. Before she can protest or throw any attitude our way, I lift her up in my arms and make my way into the living room. Its not the ideal place to make love to our woman, but it’ll have to do. I don’t think I could go any farther anyway.
It takes me no time at all to strip her down and bury my face between her thighs. I can feel my brothers watching us, but I ignore them. They can watch me make her fall apart for us.
“You taste so damn good, Siren,” I growl against her clit before sucking it into my mouth.
When I nip at the swollen bud, she falls apart for me. It’s the first of many orgasms that we’ll be giving our woman tonight.
We have a lot to fucking celebrate.
I’m sure my men have things they could have been doing for the last few days, but they’ve been holed up at home with me. Thankfully, I don’t have a class to teach until tonight or any performances scheduled which means I was free to spend the time with them.
It’s been beyond wonderful. I’ve gotten to see behind what a person shows the outside world and to see the real person they are. Honestly, I’m amazed by my men.
And they are mine.
I might have been wary of the promises in their eyes at first, but I’m not anymore. They’ve shown me who they are.
I’ve gotten to see the sides of themselves that they hold in the shadows, the sides that most people would show the world. They don’t because they have to be strong for their club and do what needs to be done and must fill the roles and positions they have.
I get it. It’s kind of like when I’m on stage. People see what they want to see. I’m sure that they see a seductress, someone who has confidence for days without a single doubt marring their psyche. But that’s not who I am.
Sure, I am when I’m performing, but that’s only an act. It’s all a mirage for entertainment.
My men are much the same.
They are the Prez, VP, and enforcer for a motorcycle club, and they play those roles flawlessly.
I wouldn’t expect anything less from them.
But they’ve shown me more than that. I’ve gotten to know who they really are. I’ve fallen in love with who they are.
Yes, Spark, or Waylon as I now call him, is serious, but that’s because he has the weight of the club on his shoulders. He’s shown me a man who has joyful memories of growing up in the club, which taught him the meaning of family that isn’t always born of blood. He understands what it means to support someone else. He does it without even thinking about it because it’s simply part of who he is. He takes on their burdens and their pain and, thankfully, his shoulders are strong and broad enough to carry them.
Yes, Rites, my Chance, is a trickster, but he’s also a problem solver with loyalty so deep in his soul that I’m not even sure he’s aware it’s there anymore. He would walk through hellfire for those he loves and not think twice about it. Why would he when that is all he knows how to do? His serious side is just as sexy and alluring as the side of him that makes me laugh uncontrollably.
Yes, Crucify, who insists I call him Nico, is strong, which he has to be to keep the club and his family safe, but he has a soft side. It’s clear to see when he talks about his sister, Lake. There’s also a deep, painful wound inside of him because of the lack of warmth and love from his parents while he was growing up. The club saved him; his friends saved him.
I can relate to that kind of pain.
Not only have they shared themselves with me, their true selves which are so much deeper than the pleasure we can experience together, but who they are at their core. They are good men who have had to do things to make sure the sun can rise tomorrow and then set again when it’s time.
I don’t fear the blood on their hands. They didn’t try to hide the violence they dance with from me, and for that I am thankful. It would have been easy for them to try to downplay it, but they laid it out for me straight.
Which is why I told them about my life honestly. I could see the rage on their faces when I told them about the rhetoric drilled into me and how I struggled with loving my body and myself after I left home.
Then they loved every inch of me until I was twitching with pleasure and contentment. It was as if they were chasing away the evil snakes and sermons of my past. And they did a damn good job of it.
It probably hasn’t been nearly long enough for me to feel so deeply for them, but I do. I want them in my life forever and I want to be in theirs.
Even Spark, who struggled and made me doubt their intentions at first with his cold demeanor. Now I see what he was really guarding—himself.
I’ve fallen for them, head over heels, and the fact that they’ve claimed me speaks volumes. They want me. Not for one night. Not for a fling. They want forever.